Overall, I probably like Growing Pains better just due to the sillier, lighthearted nature of the show, but also I find it immensely re-watchable. I don't know, Growing Pains is just a more comfortable show to me. It's one of those silly, fun "Friday" night shows that I can just have fun with then forget about the next day. I know it wasn't on Friday nights, but that's the feel of it for me. And I know it may be an unpopular opinion due to Kirk Cameron's personal beliefs, but I really liked Mike Seaver as the anti-APK character on the show. Cameron played the rebellious, carefree teen to perfection IMHO.
That said, I think Family Ties had the better actors, but I find there to be an uneasy mix of comedy and drama at times, and also the late seasons are pretty unfunny to me. Michael J. Fox was brilliant, so he kind of stole the show, making it hard to get into the other characters at times. Although the show had it's moments of comedic genius, it just wasn't consistent enough and really became something different in it's later seasons.