This movie tanked in the States because soccer isnt a real sport. Very rarely does a soccer match end in a 4-4 tie. It is usually like 1-1 or 1-0 or 0-0. The only way most players score goals is to fall down and fake injuries so they can recieve penalty kicks. This film was a bad rip on Great Escape and Longest Yard. Stallone and Caine made this film watchable at the end but this movie was longer than a soccer match and you felt every bore filled minute just creep by.
this is a great is indeed a sport - and a very difficult one to play at's lack of popularity in the states in no way demeans the athletic skill required to excel on the pitch...could you be any more of a hillbilly?
I have had a damn good laugh at this nonsense. Let me add a little bit on info to the debate.
I have a friend who is currently teaching American Kids football in the USA. He has had in his number of weeks there kids aged 11-16 in teams. He's cringed at their inability to grasp the game or to be able to master it. In fact the team he coached last season of Under 10's would have (in his words) ripped them apart. (in football speak that is beaten them convincingly).
On the subject of hooiganism. I have beein inviolved in football, watched football and played football at a number of levels for almost 30 years. I have seen MINIMAL trouble at games. But having said that I think the US Marines or any other military force would be somewhat put off facing a crowd of 200+ Millwall, Chelsea, Leeds and West Ham fans in a dark alley. Thankfully these sort of people have left the game and that is a good thing.
I have been to the USA a number of time now and I love being thre on holiday. The are polite, respectful and organised at their theme parks. BUT they are stil irritating trying to TELL us "HAVE A NICE DAY". But that is the culture and you either take it or leave it. Personally I would wipe Disneyland and all it people off the face of the earth .... ;)
World War II - OH dear God ... the yanks have been bleating on about being the world saviours since 1945. Lets face it ... FOOTBALL and american football is a TEAM sport... yes a TEAM SPORT ! ! ! ... and for God's sake WWII was a team thing. Russians, British, Americans, Polish, Austrian resistance, Italian resistance, French resistance all played their part.
As for the statement earlier of 45 minutes is too long ... Jeez ... Can you attention span not be interested in something for 45 minutes? Does everything in your life have to be only 5 minutes long? .. if So ... you are missing out on a whole heap of fun ;)
I agree you can ONLY call yourselves WORLD champions of a sport IF you include the world. FACT. Otherwise I am the WORLD CHAMPION of Getting into bed at night!
Worlds Greatest footballers? Well Pele obviously. Beckham ? Yes to a degree. Rooney? ERm .. No. C.Ronaldo Not in the slightest. You should add Eusebio (Portugal), Cruyff (Holland), Ferenc Puskas (Hungary) and the legendary who is widely known as one of the best ever players Matthias Sindelar (Austria). Look him up as he died in suspucious cirumstances during the WWII ! ! !
Football is BIGGER than politics in some respects. Countries, when they are forming for the first time (Serbia, Croatia, Latvia etc.), ALL applied to FIFA BEFORE they applied to the United Nations. That says something.
On a lighter note ... When I look out of my window in England, or in many of the other countries of the world I have visited ... kids are not wearing basketball shirts, Baseball shirts (although I like the San Diego Pardres shirts), or American Football shirt ... they wear Manmchester United (man that stuck in my throat), Chelsea, Arsenal etc. and they want to be Beckham, Torres, Berbatov etc. Players in football are mostly known, yes even the US players like Coby Jones, Kasey Keller etc. and wherever they are in world they can be recognised. How many US Baseball stars, or American football players are recognised apart from American Ex Pats? Not many I would suspect.
Beckham goes from Madrid to LA Galaxy and it's news worldwide. Bert goes from one US football team to another football team and it's only news in the USA. I was in LA in 2001 when the Lakers won the NBA (I think that was it). There was a news item on the TV ... 10 minutes on that .. then it was off to some other advert. Yet in San Diego ... there was hardly any mention of the Lakers win there ... if there is a rivialry then sorry you can tell I know little abotu that sport ... so I wouldn't be rude enough to pass judgement on it. Unlike some.
Laters all ... enjoy your sport ... whatever it is and remember had there not been a bit of a div in Rugby pick up the ball in the 1800s then American Rugby wouldn't exist ;)
And here comes Hurst..He's got..Some people are on the pitch..they think it's all over..IT IS NOW !
Wolverineland, do not deceive yourself into thinking you are the strength of this country when you are actually a liability. And an irresponsible user of free speech, which many foreign countries do not have. As a firearms collector I hope you do not own any "guns". In your case you probably "shoot" "guns". While in Iraq, the last thing I wanted was the use of nuclear warheads on any scale. Your sanctioning the use of atomic weapons in Vietnam clearly indicates your ignorance of that conflict and its origins. At least in the case of McNamara and company they did not have the benefit of history as we do (Do you even read history, and I am not referring to that regurgitated tripe taught in our classrooms). And please do not refer to Muslims as the bad guys. As I learned recently, they are more monotheistic than their Abrahamic cousins.
As to "soccer" - have you ever tried to play it. I mean with any real sense of involvement as doing something well simply for the sake of doing it right. That is an American tenet, and one which I hope you understand and exercise. Putting down something because you do not like it is very childish. My five-year-old does that, but by the time she is eleven (the age of her older sister) she should be past that.
Two things, Wolverine, please. Do not tell people [on these boards] that you are an American. If you do, tell them you are a bad American. That is for the rest of us and we would be very grateful. The other thing is do not have any children. If you do, put them up for adoption or abandon them.
- JKHolman
There is nothing more dangerous than bustling ignorance - Dryden
It is always fun when an American tries to halt the tide like kanute......American "Football" will shall shall be forgotten.
But Football is the people's game the world over it just goes on and on.....the OP is obviously aware of this and recognises that the 3 sports that are popular in a little corner of the world is not going to outlive football.
"Goaltender"......pmsl at that one!
A good measure of quality is that if a yank does not like it then it is probably good.
As an American I am not a big soccer fan, but I do appreciate the athletic skill of those players. I would never say that soccer is not a sport. Being from Chicago, I have been to a few (pro soccer) "Chicago Fire" games and have enjoyed them.
My personal favorite sport is Ice Hockey. It is the least popular of the four major sports here in the States behind Baseball, Football, Basketball, And even auto racing (Gag)!! So I know what you guys on the other side of the globe feel when some Yank says "it's (soccer) not a sport."
With that being said, I think we would agree that golf, auto racing, figure skating, and diving are not sports. I would say that skating and diving are more of an "athletic performance" because it's judged. In auto racing the car is the athlete. And golf kind of reminds me of pro fishing... so quiet and boring.
This movie (Victory) was GREAT! How could anyone not enjoy it?
Motor racing is a sport. It has strategy, fitness, precision..
Nascar better than F1? lmao... that's insane. F1 is the pinnacle of racing and where most of the great technical innovations that make their way onto road cars come from. Nascar is WWE on wheels...
Whats the absolute funniest is that most of these blowhard Americans are really EUROPEANS.... where do they think their heritage and DNA comes from...? They are basically just a mish mash of Euro dna, in a basically non functioning country.
As for WW2, America shouldn't have gotten involved in Europe anyway, it wasn't Americas fight. Most Americans were against the war then... and as someone already stated, American companies were doing great business with Germany. Ford, IBM, GM
If you wanna call real football "soccer" then we shall call your slow hand-ball american rugby game with boring 15 minute ad breaks and studio chit-chat every 2 minutes (yawwwwn) "Gridiron", which is only popular in North America. At least with real rugby, it's a far quicker game than the American version, with just one half time break without the interruption of commercials during the game.
Besides, with the international football game, because goals are more rare than your points, it makes it more exciting to watch when our team does score. It's the narrower margins which keep it exciting and nerve jangling often right to the end. Lots of points is less exciting.