Tarzan the Worst

I hate to admit it, but I actually saw this POS in a theater when it was originally released. Halfway through, a woman in the balcony shouted "This is the worst movie I have ever seen!". Best review ever.


It was actually a modest hit in 1981 but, surprisingly, there was no sequel. It would've been interesting to see O'Keeffe's Tarzan develop as a character and his relationship with Jane. But maybe John and Bo accomplished everything they intended to with this film and found the idea of a sequel superfluous.

The movie takes its time in telling its story; by contrast, 1998's "Tarzan and the Lost City" hurriedly jumps from one sequence to the next with hardly any room to breath. They're both Tarzan films but from two completely different approaches. I viewed them both back-to-back a few years ago and it's an interesting comparison.

One aspect of the film is outstanding and that's Tarzan's kinship with the various animals. An excellent example is the innocent playfulness of Tarzan, Jane and the orangutan in the closing scene.

Also, Richard Harris is worthy of note because he gives the role all his heart and is convincing. Despite his constant (and loud) blathering he does have some interesting insights -- like the importance of living life to its fullest and the humility to turn to God when he's totally spent (and it works!). In other words, the film isn't just mindless adventure; it features some gems to chew on.

"Tarzan the Ape Man" is a unique Tarzan film and worth it for the sense of awe -- the marvels of nature, the amazement of animals, the beauty of the (fit) human form and the wonder of (true) sexuality.


I haven't seen this movie since it was released, but was it an orangutan? Because orangutan don't live in Africa. They are from southeast Asia.


It was an orangutan; the film wasn't shot in Africa, but rather Sri Lanka and the island of Seychelles, 1500 miles SW of Sri Lanka.


Typical. I'm not picky about small details, but, at least in my view, an orangutan supposedly in Africa bothers me.


One of ERB's Tarzan books featured an orangutan or two -- "Tarzan and the Foreign Legion" -- but the events took place in Sumatra.

Next time you see "Tarzan the Ape Man" check out the elephants, they're Asian elephants.


Ah, I haven't seen that in years. It wouldn't surprise me. As I understand (and it may be apocryphal) Indian Elephants are more easily trained than African Elephants.

I will look for that.


Yes, that's true, which explains why filmmakers used Asian elephants with fake African elephant ears in "Tarzan and his Mate" (1934) and no doubt other Tarzan flicks as well.


I haven't seen this trashploitation pic in ages. Does it not hold up at least for camp value? Outside of Blake Edwards' "10", Bo was horrendous in almost every movie she appeared in. Pair her with an already terrible project like Bolero or A Change of Seasons, she becomes lethal. How does it hold up as softcore pornography? Do you still get a woody watching Tarzan wash Bo's boobies in waterfalls? How's the unintentional comedy? Are you laughing at things not meant to be funny?


It's not even "so bad it's good". It's unwatchable. Somebody said he was surprised there was no sequel. I guess that person doesn't understand why they make sequels.


It's no surprise to me at all that there was no sequel. What a stinkin' POS it was!!


They make sequels when a movie makes good money. This was a modest hit in 1981 -- the top-grossing film of the weekend, making $36,565,000 in the USA alone against a $6,500,000 budget. That's why I said it was surprising there wasn't a sequel.

You may not like it and it's not the best Tarzan flick, but it's hardly unwatchable. Here are some highlights:

- There's a nice sense of awe as the party traverses through the wilderness, particularly when they discover the great escarpment and, then, the inland sea (it was shot in Sri Lanka and Seychelles).
- The animals are great as well, particularly the magnificent lion, the friendly elephant who scoops up Tarzan's body and the playful chimps & orangutan.
- Miles O'Keeffe LOOKS great as Tarzan. True, he has zero dialog beyond Tarzan's patented yell and little depth as a character, but he's benign and heroic, a type of Yahweh, as in "the Lord of the jungle." The film focuses on the ape-man when he is first discovered by Europeans wherein he knew how to read via kid's books, but did not yet know how to speak English.
- When the action comes -- Tarzan vs. a huge snake and Tarzan vs. the Ivory King -- it's presented in slow-motion, which is strange and hardly thrilling. And, yet, it sets the film apart. "Tarzan the Ape Man" takes its time in telling its story; by contrast, 1998's "Tarzan and the Lost City" hurriedly jumps from one sequence to the next with hardly any room to breath. They're both Tarzan movies but from two completely different approaches.
- One outstanding aspect is Tarzan's kinship with the various animals, e.g. the innocent playfulness of Tarzan, Jane & the orangutan at the end.
- Richard Harris gives his role all his heart and is convincing. He conveys some interesting insights, like the importance of living life to its fullest and the humility to turn to God when your totally spent (and it works!).
- Lastly, the beauty of the (fit) human form and the wonder of (true) sexuality.


Yeah, it has some moments, but was a huge disappointment, regardless of how much money it made. The last decent Tarzan movie was "Greystoke" in 1984. Lambert, not a body builder/model, was excellent casting. They've been making Tarzan movies since 1917 and it looks like they're never going to really do it right. A miniseries covering the first two books, also incorporating some of the scenes from "Jungle Tales", and following Burroughs as closely as political correctness would allow, would be incredible, but will probably never happen. There will just be more dreck like "The Legend of Tarzan".


I don't know why, but this made me laugh. I can just see someone doing that and think it's hilarious.


I thought this was Tarzan the Best. Compared to the other Tarzan films and TV series, this is the best one.


it has its hot moments for sure
