Worst movie ever?????

Evil Cajuns????? Are you kidding me?? I am a born and raised Cajun and this is just ludicrous.....Cajun people are the the most laid back and friendly people you will ever meet........the people who made this movie should have done their research...I'm sick over seeing this piece of *beep* movie...enough said...
Lafayette, Louisiana


Brilliant movie.

Good cast.

Interesting story.

Beautiful scenery.

Terrific music.

I enjoyed every moment.




No worries...

But there's no need to shout.




It just makes it harder to read.

Mind you, I can understand when you wish to uppercase a particular word for emphasis, but when the entire message is like that, it sort of loses impact.




You're always welcome - but as you've noted, I'm sure there was nothing that I mentioned that you were not already aware of.

By the way, good film - although I've always felt that it was underrated.

All the best to you.




I cannot help feeling I've just walked in on a one-way, private argument. Erm ...
First saw Southern Comfort when it was released in the UK and it has always had a profound effect on my expectations of US 'back woodsie' movies. This is a master class, classic movie. Definitely, to me, an aligory of Vietnam. I'm surprised someone in Hollywood hasn't ruined it all by doing a re-make.
I was trying to explain it to someone last week, couldn't remember the title, thought it was called 'Cajun something', got the vapours because I couldn't remember, looked it up on imdb, got the wrong Carradine, almost gave up but then arrived here.
And I have to say this is the most amusing thread I've ever read on any forum anywhere. But then I don't get out much these days.
Anyhoo, yes Southern Comfort is my favourite movie ever. I just wish someone in British tv would get around to showing it again. Although I always found the ending a bit odd; like it had been re-edited several times and someone had lost the plot.

love & peas - pixoidman


"I cannot help feeling I've just walked in on a one-way, private argument."

As the other poster has deleted his/her messages, it does rather seem like it...



Yes I have heard tales of how if you wrong a swamp person they take it really well and offer you frankencense and myhrr and give you a back rub for cutting their nets and stealing their boat.. uhuhu.. yeah.
Hell I was in Hawaii- the MOST laid back of all places and they would give you a beat down like no other if you tried to pull that crap on them.



You're crazy, man. You are soo crazy. A genius? Undoubtedly.

Wait, what I meant was you're really dumb, and I hate you.

Awesome use of generalizations here, really nice. Spreadin' it around nice and think, like a van gogh painting, except instead of oil based paint your using bigoted terms and sweeping generalizations. Magnifico.


You take it too personally. The Cajuns are portrayed as defenders of their territory after being attacked/invaded by (wannabe) soldiers.

My vote history


Saw this movie as a child and liked it a lot back then. I'll have to check it out again......but it definitely was far from the worst. People are ignorant to base all cajuns on Southern Comfort......lighten up......it's not that serious. lol.


This movie was awesome! Maybe you are a good Cajun boy, and would never act like this if someone stole your canoe. But when you steal the canoes of some psycho hillbilly Cajuns then you might have some problems. Heh heh.



i am not an American..but i am interested in knowing the difference between the Cajuns,Hillbillies and Red Necks ..i would also like to know which one of them raped Ned Betty(they seem like the most dangerous ones).


Southern Comfort may not portray Cajun people in a good light, but its a damn fine movie.

