The needle in the haystack is the well of souls. So, a room sized object with an entrance.
We don't know that - that would be up to the writers to decide. In this story, the Ark happened to be out in the open in a fairly large room, but how did anyone know that until it was found? What if the Ark was in the Well of Souls but was buried under the floor as an added measure of security? Without the medallion telling them that's where the Ark was for sure, the Nazis could have stumbled across that same room, found it empty, and left looking for more likely resting places. If the medallion told them the Ark was there however, they would stay and keep excavating, perhaps even bringing in heavy equipment to lift up several-ton floor slabs.
Considering it was a secret place already when the medallion was made, but also a sacred one, it would have looked like a pharaoh burial chamber: difficult to reach only before 1900, when modern techniques and investments made them easyer to find.
Again, that's an assumption. This is fiction and the method of how to hide the Ark and where to hide the Ark would be up to the writers to decide. Still, documentaries about ancient Egypt show that even in ancient times, tombs were robbed - and these were built to be virtually theft proof to the best of their abilities.