MovieChat Forums > Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Discussion > How good is this movie really?

How good is this movie really?

I wanna start by saying I'm not here to badmouth this film or anything. However, I just want to pose a question to everyone. Is it really worth the 8.6 it has now? When you see Ender's Game (a film which I admittedly haven't seen), or a lot of old action stars new films, they're always given relatively poor reviews- 6.8 on here for example. It stands to reason that the scripts Harrison Ford took an interest in and accepted thirty years ago would be similar to the ones he chooses now, so why the huge disparity between ratings? Is it because he's slipping in his ability to discern between a good and a bad script? Or is it because of the age of Raiders, and of Star Wars, the- because of how much people enjoyed them when they were younger- that they are still regarded as such great movies?
This isn't a case of De Niro going over to comedy, so that argument doesn't work.

Just interested to see what people think


In all honesty this is one of the few "perfect" movies ever made. It's strong on plot, characterization, direction, visuals, music--you name it. There's just no off-pitch note anywhere in the mix, and it's the mix that is so clearly superior here.


Your logic is seriously flawed. Many of your arguments are simply wrong.

If an actor is in a great movie, then they can never be in a not so great movie? Name one great actor who has never been in a not so great movie.

I haven't seen Ender's Game either, but a dime a cgi sci fi film and an Indiana Jones film are not the same thing... at all.

Also this is a film that is loved by many people of all ages at many points in time. It isn't just people who were younger when it came out, I wasn't even alive. My parents and grandparents saw it and say it was an instant classic and they were in their 20's and 50's.

It's like saying the Godfather isn't that good because Marlon Brando was in bad movies in the 80s and 90s...


In all seriousness, it's a 7 at best. Overrated, and quite boring imo.


"In all honesty this is one of the few "perfect" movies ever made. It's strong on plot, characterization, direction, visuals, music--you name it. There's just no off-pitch note anywhere in the mix, and it's the mix that is so clearly superior here."

Couldn't agree more, and I'll add one more thing...casting. IMHO, a perfectly cast film, that truly is the greatest action/adventure movie ever made. After more than thirty years and countless viewings, I still never tire of watching it!!


I think it's massively over rated, I watched it today after numerous failed attempts to manage to sit through it. I mean the music is great and Ford is good in this role and Mariam was good, but an 8.5, really?


It is only arguably the best movie ever made. Overrated? Never. Those who think otherwise are entitled to their opinions but they would be wrong.


It's a classic homage to all of the serial films that used to be shown in theatres before TV, and during TV's early incarnation. Before televisions were houses (and before streaming), people used to go to the theatres to see movies specifically to see films. One of the genres for kids were the adventure serials.

This film pays tribute to all of those films. Way too many to list, but they were cranked out on a weekly basis, and shipped to theatres all across the nation. Kids went to see them, and were entertained.

Indiana Jones pays tribute to that, and recycles some of the action segments.

It's also a bit of a religious film based off of Lucas's own spiritual convictions; i.e. supernatural vengeance visited on the very criminal Nazi soldiers.

Exploring the ruins in the opening scene, being chased by natives, escaping via an airplane, the chase scene in the desert, exploring the crypt ... it's all great cinematic fun.

The genius of this film is that it does have a parable to tell. Me, I don't believe in the supernatural, so I don't buy into the whole message, but I respect the artistry, the film maker's expressed opinion via his art, and the pure craftsmanship that went into it.

Spielberg is one of the great film makers of our time, and Lucas is right there with him as it is his concept.

I hope that helps.

In other words I think it's one of the great films of our time, and of all time.


yeh its a homage movie to the cliff hanger serials Spielberg/Lucas grew up on but done with verisimilitude and no expense spared way - same as Star Wars did with the old Flash/Buck serials

now of course you have filmmakers who grew up on Spielberg/Lucas movies so do homage movies to theirs or just continue the sequels


Raiders of the Lost Ark is in my top 3 movies of all time.

It's the quintessential adventure film imo. Very rootable hero, lead female is very pretty and likable, history stuff is interesting and the ending was non cookie cutter.


In my lifetime there will never be anything quite like it. Great film!

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