I thought Treat Williams performance was excellent in some scenes and others were laughable. I also thought it was too drawn out, it went on and on.
But I did like it, some scenes were great and considering when it was made, it was not too bad. If they cut the movie by about a half and hour it would have been much better-too many scenes that were not needed.
I didn't think Williams was laughable except for that scene where he gets split on in the prosecutor's office. His barely contained rage bit went a little too far.
Today's films would skip all the stuff this film left in. I kinda like that they took in the aftermath of it all rather than having him come in and quickly end the film with titles telling us who was convicted. More of the SIU at the beginning would have been nice. They showed a 4 hour cut on TV which it is said clears up many plot points.
A movie can feel quick if you're engrossed in the story and its characters; which is exactly how I felt during my multiple viewings. I can't think of any particular scene that I would cut out. Treat Williams is in practically every scene of the movie, and he carries it well.
I agree with adamwarlock about the ending. It was a subtle and powerful ending with the walkout and freezeframe. Again, I would not cut out a single frame.
Where exactly is this mythical longer cut, and is there any evidence it indeed exists besides a few claims on this forum? I think people are confusing the length of the film as seen on TV (which would have, with commercials, been at least 4 hours) with the length of the actual film.
Surely, there was footage that had to be cut, maybe a lot. I'd love to see it. I don't think the film is too long as is; I find it utterly engrossing. I could see, though, there being more introductory scenes of the SIU and whatnot further detailing what led Ciello to confess. The film leaves his motives fairly ambiguous (perhaps deliberately).
If you google Prince of the City the top result show the film length as 4 hours and 13 minutes. I can’t find an extended version of it and I’ve not seen any other evidence that it even exists.
I agree with the OP. Strong performances, especially from Treat Williams, but the film suffers from excessive length. If it were shorter I think it would have been better. Also I do agree that a few scenes had some laughable overacting.
I don´t think so. For an obvious example, just check out the running times of these current blockbusters Nolan keeps making - all 3 Batman movies as well as Inception are around 2,5 hrs long.
Agree with the OP. If well edited, a 2 hour cut of this movie could be a marked improvement on the film as it stands. I also agree that Treat Williams was sometimes very good, other times decidedly not. Jerry Orbach was consistently very good.
"I beseech ye in the bowels of Christ, think that ye may be mistaken."
For me this was a movie where the length was barely noticed. The writing, the acting, the plot twists, the moral questions and the mis-en-scene sucked me right in. It was a movie with that pure 1970s feel, ostensibly realistic, low-key, raw. It had lots of long takes, which is such a rarity these days. This for me is top filmmaking.
This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.
I give this film a 9 out of 10, but that's mostly because it's a great story mostly well played and directed. But... I would agree Williams's performance is not the strongest part of the film, and considering how much he is in it, that is problematic. 10/10 would have been the result if it were.
But the length? There is nothing wrong with the length. As otehrs have noted the story itself required the length it was.
Take the bit about Gus Levy setting up that shop as a sting operation. Didn't have anything directly to do with Ciello's testifying. But it was great to see because we could compare Levy's situation as one where he continued doing effective police work while Ciello was wholly tied up with doing what the Feds wanted.
I always read the trivia page first. Lumen wanted a 3 hr. flick, but it was cut to 2:45 which probably only exists as a Director's Cut if available. Also no Pacino o rKeital as some have suggested. Lumet wanted an unknown which Treat was. His manic, frantic performance was not over the top for me. 9
I love the length of this film. It takes you through the whole process in a more realistic way. Most films would end theirs about 1/3 of this plot, and then put a big hero stamp on the protaginist and a happy ending. But this just goes on and on, like he's just digging a hole for himself. The sense of hopelessness. It must have felt like this for a witness.