One of THE BEST slashers!
Totally up there with the first Friday the 13th! Love this movie! So damn good!!!
shareTotally up there with the first Friday the 13th! Love this movie! So damn good!!!
MBV has always been of my favorites too. The mine setting is creepy in and of itself.
shareI could never get into Friday the 13th, or even Halloween for that matter. Even the first parts. When I began to seek out some of the general horror classics as a youth, I quickly learned that most of them just aren't for me.
Having watched My Bloody Valentine (1981), Black Christmas (1974) and Twitch of the Death Nerve (1971) just this week, I realized that there actually are some (proto-)slashers that appeal to me for some reason.
Maybe it's because they reside in that early stage before the real 'slasher boom' that still put more emphasis on the murder mystery. Even though MBV is a close call, and the first 'Friday' also had that (and I still don't like it for some reason).
Great movie. What makes it even better is the male lead wears an ensemble favored by hairdressers on chaps night...
Agreed! Easily one-of-the-best, if not in-fact the best slasher of the early eighties.
Well, most people are idiots with bad there!
Love it as well :)
"Martyr me for Cordis Die."
it is surprise for me.
i watched 2009 remake in cinema.
this original version is amazing
Totally agree. The remake never measured up imo