MovieChat Forums > The Howling (1981) Discussion > why is this movie so boring?

why is this movie so boring?

A bunch of people walking around exploring mysteries the viewer has already solved, explaining things to each other the viewer has already seen. And not even the great special effects can make up for the wooden acting. "Oh, a guy who should be dead is turning into a werewolf in front of me for ten minutes. I guess I will stand here with a mild look of annoyance on my face." I have wanted to watch this for years. So very disappointed.


Boring ... no !
Special effects ... great for their time. CGI sucks imo.

I have it in my collection as i collect John Carradine movies but i've not viewed it in over 20 years as 1)I am not a fan of werewolf movies & 2) As i have gotten older i find this and other horrors of this kind disturbing.

Great cast : Patrick Macnee , Slim Pickens , Dee Wallace , John Carradine , Kevin McCarthy and Belinda Balaski (shame she got killed off).

I don't act to live , i live to act. (Eli Wallach)


I know what you're getting at OP, it's just hard to think of the right word. I wouldn't say boring or badly made at all, just 'flat' like someone else said. There's no urgency or momentum behind most of the scenes - everyone seems to just be going through the motions while waiting to take their next ambien or something.

It's still not a terrible movie by any means, in fact I like it. It just gives off this general lackadaisical feel that never quite gels into the craziness that a werewolf movie should have. Also the acting isn't helping any.



Interesting statements made here, I must chime in and say, the point is called a story. Pple these days are whitewashed with blood guts goons boobs and jump scares. This film forgoes that for an atmospheric character study. So If you're expecting a blowout or violence like dog soldiers stick to that. This film is better than AWIL for me, that films' very overrated. Just sit back & take it for what it is, a rare creepster among a swell of 80s slashers.
