What a Disappointment

This movie is probably the most over-hyped piece of s**t ever.

I list IMO the problems with this movie:

- Terrible plot... I still never figured out why Karen went to the middle of NO WHERE to get over her problems... and stayed after she knew everyone was crazy.

- Talking Werewolf... really? Is this were Teen Wolf got it's inspiration?

- Porno gone wrong, any one else notice this probably was suppose to just be a porno?

- Polish a turd it's still a turd. Most B Movies admit they're stupid or funny by labeling themselves "Cult Classics" or something to that matter. The Howling has a A Movie persona even though it's a flaming pile of werewolf *beep*

All in all, I'm going to stick with the better Werewolf movies... and Yes I rank Teenwolf above this.


I didn't like it that much though mostly because it was nothing like the book. I would suggest you read the book. Though it might be expensive cause copies of it go for as high as $100 on amazon.com.

Slimer! That was my clean uniform!" Winston Real Ghostbusters Episode Lost and foundry



Did you even read the book? Obviously you haven't. It wasn't bad at all imo. You're just trying to get a rise out of me. You're psycomagnotheric!

Kelloway: Doyle, get in the car.
Doyle: But I ordered Onion Rings.
Kelloway: Doyle!


American Werewolf = Great
The Howling = bad


I agree with the OP to an extent. I don't agree with it being the worst werewolf movie ever made, but it's defiantly overhyped. I went into this movie expecting a good 80s flick, but I just thought that the movie was boring and slow. American Werewolf in London is a LOT better than this.

The Howling - 4/10

American Werewolf In London - 8/10


Bahaha Boring and slow don't even begin to describe this movie... It felt completely drawn out (even though it was only 90 minutes) and the werewolf transformations were so ridiculous it was like they WANTED to make it look fake! The acting is horrible and the movie goes nowhere fast... "Let's send her to the middle of nowhere only to have her discover that *gasp* she's been sent to a werewolf colony! And then let's have her stay there for the entire movie even though she knows about the werewolves!"

Let's see... what else? Oh yeah, the werewolf sex scene was completely unnecessary and was obviously used only to display female frontal nudity...


Let's see... what else? Oh yeah, the werewolf sex scene was completely unnecessary and was obviously used only to display female frontal nudity...
And that's a complaint?

Move along. Nothing to see here.



Thats all. you're too removed from that generation.

you lose -Team America, World Police


I agree with the OP. I feel this film is (sadly) overrated and I was greatly disappointed :(


At first I thought it might just be a slow burner, but nothing happens for the first 50 minutes really. Then it all kicks off, but I didn't care because I felt no attachment to any of the characters. The only one I was rooting for was Terry when she was being chased. The transformation sequences were good enough, I know alot of hard work went into them, but this film fails for me. I was quite surprised when Chris arrived near the end and just shot them all with no hassle or bother. Fairly anti-climatic. I think An American Werewolf In London is superior in every way. Disappointing though, I expected alot more from this movie after all the hype...


To all the complainants of the Howling:

In my honest opinion, you are no more than idiots to begin with.

This is by far one of the BEST werewolf movies ever made !! PERIOD !!!

And it still tops the genre despite the passage of already 30 years !! Thats 30 damn years mind you !!

Just name me a few movies that can hold the bar for 30 long years !


To all the complainants of the Howling:

In my honest opinion, you are no more than idiots to begin with.

This is by far one of the BEST werewolf movies ever made !! PERIOD !!!

And it still tops the genre despite the passage of already 30 years !! Thats 30 damn years mind you !!

Just name me a few movies that can hold the bar for 30 long years !

Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back (I'd say Return of the Jedi too, but people bitch about the Ewoks so I'll leave it out), Indiana Jones, Alien, The Thing, Planet of the Apes (which has actually hell the bar for 45 *beep* years boyo), etc. I don't think I need to go on. Coincidentally, all of the above films are far better than The Howling.

The Howling is ok. Aside from the makeup effects, it's far from a classic.

Kill the trolls!!!


At first I thought it might just be a slow burner, but nothing happens for the first 50 minutes really.

Except for the introduction of Eddie and Karen.

Except for her going to the colony + establishment of the colony.

Except for the first hintings of werewolves coming.

Except for the introductions of the investigators.

Except for Karen's growing paranoia.

...you know, it's almost like things happen in the first 50 minutes if you have an attention span.

Then it all kicks off, but I didn't care because I felt no attachment to any of the characters. The only one I was rooting for was Terry when she was being chased.

Well it's hard to be attached to characters when you can't be bothered to pay attention to scenes without horror or action in them.

The transformation sequences were good enough, I know alot of hard work went into them, but this film fails for me. I was quite surprised when Chris arrived near the end and just shot them all with no hassle or bother. Fairly anti-climatic.

Except for, you know, the ones who keep breaking into the car, or the ones who dog piled on top of it, or the one that bit Karen....

it's almost like there was werewolf action taking place after the shed burned down.

I think An American Werewolf In London is superior in every way.

You're comparing apples and oranges. One is a dark comedy with some effective horror scenes. The other is a straight up horror film with some effective comedy.

Disappointing though, I expected alot more from this movie after all the hype...

Well after reading your post, I have to wonder if you did actually watch the film.

We keep telling you that you're wonderful but you never listen! What's wrong with you?!


All the old people who were amazed by the effects in this movie in the 80's are getting upset. This movie isn't that good. I'm with you.


I'm not old you prick. I saw this in 1989 when I was 7, so I'm still young. You're a sad, pathetic old troll. Stick your opinions up your ass. And that goes for everyone else on this board that doesn't understand what a satirical horror film is supposed to do. The Piranha boards are also full of retarded imbeciles like you. Maybe you should go and join them to complain about 'cheesy' horror films. The Howling is a great film. Retards. PS: SS thought the film was excellent, which is the reason he hired Dante to direct 'Gremlins'...!!


People aren't mad about you or everyone else having an opinion. But what you are saying to back it up don't make sense. She was sent there by doctor orders and because she was going crazy because of what happened. There are no talking werewolves in this movie so what do you mean? I personally didn't enjoy American Werewolf In London. I know I will get bashed but my reason is it WASNT funny to me, the wolf looked more like a damn bear, and the only good thing was the transformation. I just liked the Howlings story with wolves teaming up and joining each other and not some mindless animal. We transform into them so they have to have intelligence right? Just how I look at it. But I think we all can agree that Silver Bullet was awesome.


It always amuses me when people object to a movie's particular version of a given imaginary supernatural creature. Why not have werewolves during the day?

The folklore on werewolves (stretching over many centuries and many countries) is quite varied. In almost no traditional stories is there any connection to the full moon; likewise in most stories there's no mention of silver. In some stories people turn into ordinary wolves; in others, into wolflike, half-human creatures.

So different movies pick and choose different bits of folklore, or just make it up. (For instance, as far as I know, the idea of the survivor of a werewolf attack becoming a werewolf himself is entirely an invention of the movies.)

(And I think we have a generation of movie-goers who mistakenly think every monster movie is supposed to also be a comedy.)

"The truth 24 times a second."


I bet you and and all the people who said dog soldiers was better than the howling are the kind people who think twilight are good werewolf movies!


I am 37 years old and saw the Howling when it came out. Yes lol I was 6. I just saw it again recently and I most certainly wish I would not have. All the fond memories I had of it as a child were ruined. It was not as great as I remembered.

I did remember the classic lines about a piece of my mind and the rare hamburger line.


I have to agree with anime..i saw it when i was about 6 or 7 and thought it was great and now when i see it i cant even watch all the way through..that's the case with several movies..they lose their scare factor and don't have a good enough story so they become pointless..others have lost their scare factor too but remained good because of story and characterization i.e. poltergeist, original night of the living dead (in which my 150lb frame could have beaten every zombie to death so long as i wasn't confined or surrounded)

