The Last Supper Scene

What's your opinion on it? I think it's funny, but I do feel a bit guilty watching it, as I'm Roman Catholic


Great scene with Jesus being played by a young John Hurt.


Are you all together or is it separate cheques?


I'm Catholic too and I've worked at waitressing jobs, so the whole frustrated waiter sighing "Jesus" is something I've probably done!

I wonder if anyone Jewish was offended by Moses dropping five of the "fifteen commandments". ha

Mel Brooks was an equal opportunity offender.


I wonder if anyone Jewish was offended by Moses dropping five of the "fifteen commandments".

I live in Israel. I've never come across anyone who has ever been offended by something it.


I am not surprised. Mel Brooks was funny and his comedy never targeted anyone or insulted anyone. He just had a good laugh at human behavior.


This is true, although I've always been curious as to how Native Americans feel when they see his Yiddish speaking Chief in Blazing saddles.


Most of them probably laugh. It's mostly white leftists who get their sphincters in a bunch about stuff like that.


I'm glad you all agree


If, as Christianity asserts, Jesus was perfect, then he had a sense of humor.
