I was watching Assassin's Creed and someone in the movie mentioned Torquemada, and I whispered to my husband "Let's face it, you can't Torquemada anything." Later when they were doing the Inquisition, my husband and I started softly singing the song about The Inquisition. Mel has forever ruined me, and I just want to say "Thank you Mel !"
A year too late, but BRAVO!! So few women these days can pull a reference from a bad movie and make it work so perfectly. Your husband is truly a lucky man..
I didn't mean "bad" in the sense that the movie is unwatchable Hedy, I just mean it's not exactly Shakespeare. Most women don't quote scenes from what I refer to "guy type" movies, or low-brow movies etc. I love History of the World and can quote just about every line from seeing it so many times.
*My* wife however isn't all that thrilled when I sing "I was sittin' flickin' chickens and was lookin' through the pickins', when suddenly these guys break down my walls!!...
Nice. Still, I think the Mel Brooks style of humor leans more male than female overall.
Example: when my nephew was a child, he had a Woody doll from Toy Story. Cute doll with a pull string that would say Woody's lines: "there's a snake in my boot!" etc. The Christmas he got it, I picked up the doll to examine it, pretended to pull the string as if to try it, and did a perfect (no modesty here) impression of Yogurt from Space Balls: "may the Scwartz be with you!". This was more funny IMO because I'm an older 6'2" black guy with a resonant baritone. All the guys laughed, the women folk looked at me like I was insane.
Now, if you ask my wife, she'd admit Brooks is hilarious, but the problem is that I watch these silly movies *every time* they're on TV. She laughed the first ten times she saw them, chuckled the next 50, smiled the next 100 playings, and now I think she's over it..
His reply is to agree, "Yeah, they stink out loud."
I'm pretty sure the expression was "they stink on ice", although I'm not positive. I remember the stink on ice insult back when I was a kid, and this considerably predates History of the World.
How about: "we are so poor, we don't even have a language of our own - just this stupid accent!"