
If ever there was a horror movie ripe for being remade it has to be 'Hell Night'. Just think how much fun could be had if this movie was updated for a whole new audience. What do you think?


My thoughts exactly! They could do wonders with this teen/haunted house movie, I'd go see it.

You will have to speak up, I am wearing a towel


A remake could easily blow the original sways, especially if they made whoever Seth's remake counterpart is the lead like this movie should have done

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


If they did a faithful remake, I think it would be pretty good. Don't change much, just production unities, keep the costume angle so it doesn't date it, I think it could be good.

The main problem with slasher movie remakes is that they make the characters so unlikable. Nearly all the kids in Hell Night are worth rooting for.

Vegan Voorhees - Giving love to 692 humble slasher movies
