Dorothy or Susan?
Would rather have Susan, Dorothy is too far up her own arse.
Wow, quite an overwhelming majority there. And I have to agree, Susan.
Don't be too hard on Dorothy though, she was cute enough! I'd say that when I was that age, in Gregory's position, I probably would have reacted EXACTLY as he did. I would have had an unbearable crush on Dorothy, and then Susan would have turned me round easily. We are all fickle at that age!
Dorothy as portrayed here is driven, driven to excel in something nominally regulated to 'men' (boys). That is why we see her up early in the morning, and out late at night, continuing to work on her fitness.
Boys, such as Gregory, simply do not at this time fit into her timetable as 'dateable'. When asked by Susan what she thought of Gregory, she considers (after seeing him play goalie) for a bit, and then says "Slow....awkward. Yes, slow and awkward."
To which Susan replies "But he's got a nice laugh!", setting up the roles they will play out.
Dorothy is much more serious, an A-type, and would likely fit in well later in life with such.
Susan is more down-to-earth, emotional, and loves to laugh. She would definitely fit in better with Gregory's whimsicallness in the long run.
As she would with me :)
Susan all day, every day.