Are you all insane???

4.6????? How can anyone give this anything higher than a 1?

Dreadful acting, a complete rip off of Alien, awful direction, probably the worst music in a movie since film began, special effects that look like they have been done on an episode of Blue Peter (egg boxes and sticky back plastic anyone?)
And most of all, Dull, dull, dull...How people can slate and bitch about the likes of One Missed Call, Hollow Man, Pulse, Event Horizon, Alien Vs Predator, Prom Night, When A Stranger calls and similar box office fare and then praise this pile of steaming tripe is beyond even thinking about.

I've seen episodes of the original Star Trek series made over 20 years earlier that look more professional than this.

-50/10 Diabolical film

"Hasta la vista, baby."



I can't believe this was on Turner Classic Movies last night! I want to meet the programmer for TCM Underground and buy him a beer because they've shown some really interesting stuff in their brief history.

OK, it's a B-Movie and the ending made me go "huh? That's IT?" But aside from that, watching the characters get picked off and the way they happen is pretty entertaining, esp for a movie from 1981. Within the first 10 minutes you realize this is a B-Movie and, at least IMO, you can let my guard down a bit, remove your thinking cap and have some fun. I wouldn't be surprised if people started yelling back at the screen when this was in theaters. In fact, I saw this in theaters as a kid and one lady in the audience said in a really tiny but audible voice "Run, Joanie, Run!"

Which brings me to my second point: Galaxy of Terror is damn fascinating because of the people involved. If you're a movie producer try paying Robert Englund, Sid Haig, Zalman King, Ray Walston (well, he's dead but he was a known commodity), Erin Moran, James Cameron & Bill Paxton these days. Erin would probably be the only one to come cheap and yet here they all are working for schlock-meister Roger Corman and Cameron wasn't even the director! There's something intrinsically cool about that.

This whole thread reminds me of the Simpsons episode where John Waters tries to explain the concept of "camp" to Homer as "something so bad it's good" and all he hears are crickets. There's lot of fun "bad" movies especially from the 50s & 60s and I enjoy them all for their uniqueness. This is where "Hollow Man" et al fall short. They took themselves too seriously and were marketed as such therefore they come across as disappointments when really it should've been fun. If that makes me insane for appreciating this movie then get my strait-jacket ready.

Gene(points at his arm pit:Get a waft of that,man stink. See if that doesn't moisten your gusset!


I think you're being kind. I just rented this because usually when something is a 'cult classic', there's something substantial there. And to hear the 'Making of' people talk as if they had made some legendary film.....sickening. This is what MST3K has made a lot of movie 'lovers' into.

Horrible acting......HORRIBLE....the people in Plan 9 deserve Oscars compared to this crap.

Corman-------and don't get me wrong, I love me some classic Corman (Piranha{original},Death Race 2000, Battle Beyond the Stars, Grand Theft Auto, Capone, Little Shop of Horrors{original}--along with a few others of his 50s/early 60s stuff where he actually directed...Man with the X-Ray Eyes for example) ----must have been off his rocker.

**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone


Fans of a b-movie are the last people who need it pointed out that it's bad. But so often the movies are more entertaining than mainstream films, for reasons intentional and otherwise. Most mainstream movies are pasteurized for as broad an audience as possible, and are smart but not too smart; while b-movies are frequently made by inspired nutcases, and are just more interesting to intelligent, imaginative audiences.


@ OP

I'm watching this movie right now. If anything, the Japanese, Italians and other countries in Europe and middle east have produced far worse than this. Much far worse.

"You know, my name..."


I gave it a 9 out of 10, so there, dude!

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Good for you "Dude" I still think it's *beep* crap lol

"Hasta la vista, baby."



