Hockey mask vs. burlap sack?

This year, I'm reviewing my 31 favorite horror movie sequels every day of October. And of course, I'm including Friday the 13th Part 2. Full review here:

While the Jason mask is iconic now. I always found the burlap sack to be much scarier, if possibly less intimidating. Anybody else feel the same?


For my money, it's the sack. While the hockey mask is an iconic trademark of Jason, the sack is more "backwoods" or "hillbilly-ish". It's all tied into the overalls and the shack that he lives in in the middle of the woods…..much more effective !!!!


Since when is Jason a hillbilly?


No one said he was.


The poster I replied to implied that living in a shack in the woods is "hillbilly-ish".


Agreed, kind of like the Town That Dreaded Sundown mask. Definitely creepier.



that's exactly what i just thought about. i wonder if they took that killers look when they created jason's look in this one?


Burlap sack. And not just the sack, but Jason's look as a whole - plaid shirt, overalls. I like that he appears to be someone who truly lives in the woods, feeding off animals, etc. I like too that he's really just protecting his wilderness, not going "out of his" way to kill people (with the exception of Alice).


I'll go with the sack. That first shot of the masked Jason popping up from under the bed sheets and in the dark living room, was pretty damn scary as a kid. Gave me nightmares to no end! The hockey mask is pretty iconic, especially in parts 3&4, but once Jason became the unstoppable, slow moving, teleporting zombie, his mask became more of a ceremonial prop.


Meh, the overalls and sack look is just too generic. It's comes off as some hillbilly with a sack on his head, which like someone else said is a ripoff of the town that dreaded sundown anyway. It had been done so it's cheap and derivative here.

The hockey masks works much better, and is more iconic.


I agree. A sack may look rather creepy, but it's hardly original or iconic.


but the sack is better than the mask bc it's creepier and more realistic. also the first thing you think when you see jason with a mask is how dumb and silly. i mean it's a hockey mask what is he going to do play hockey? it's ultimately and mostly dumb looking. it's just scary in that you can't see his expressions really and can't really see his eyes.


Like I said, yeah, a sack may look creepy, but it just doesn't stand out.

Not sure how it's more realistic, though. I'm pretty sure people prefer masks when they choose to hide their face. I actually think a sack over one's head looks rather silly, to be honest. A hockey mask does look pretty creepy, a ghostlike face without a mouth or a nose and just the eyes visible.


but how is a hockey mask realistic? first of all where would you find it? especially in an east coast city in the us? secondly why would anyone think of wearing it as apposed to wearing a ski mask or some other kind if mask?


What's realistic??? It's something you can buy in a store wich serves to cover your face. If you need a mask, your first thought would be to get an actual mask. A ski mask would certainly make more sense than a sack or even a hockey mask, but it would not be a very iconic look, would it?

Why would anyone think of wearing a sack when it has an entirely different purpose? Why would he even wear a mask at all?


no you can't buy a hockey mask in most stores. you'd have to go to a specialty store like a big 5. bc he's living in the woods so he has to use what he has to use, anything around will do.


I didn't say you can buy it in "most stores". I said it's an actual mask that you can buy in a store, maybe he just came across one in a thrift store or found it in the trash or a garage. Point is, it's something you're supposed to put on your face!

If he lives in the woods, he doesn't even need a mask...


well he obviously felt he did need something to cover his face bc he wore a sack or pillow case.


So no good reason, really.


what do you mean?


There was no good reason for him to wear a sack on his head.

Just like lots of other things in these movies have no good reason, so why not go for something more original and iconic.


yes there was he had to hide his deformed face he's insecure about it. remember the slow motion dream sequence? he looks like the huntchback from the huntchback of notre dame.


He had to hide his face from people he was about to kill???

Jason is able to get clothing and all kinds of other stuff to survive and go on his killing spree. He would surely be able to get an actual mask to put on his face. A ski mask would be the most logical option, but not the most iconic.


Scarier: sack. "Man that goalie was pissed about something!" in a far later sequel drives it home: a hockey mask isn't scary. It is only "scary" in relation to Voorhees himself.

More iconic: mask.


I vote for burlap sack.
It´s creepier than the iconic hockey mask.
Jason looks like a ghost with the sack.



I honestly prefer the burlap sack. It gave Jason a more creepier and sinister appearance. Wish it could have been the other sequels as well.

The Saw Is Family


Why did he wear either one‽ He didn't have to worryabout being identified because the police would never find him. I doubt he was self conscious about his looks. So why did he wear any mask at all‽

My iMDB profile


the sack was ultra creepy.

I hated Jaws, it had too much shark, and dont get me started about King Kong, waaay too much gorilla


The sack. I saw part 1 a few years ago and just finished part 4 at a friends suggestion. Now I'm watching part 2. I find the sack way more creepier.
