MovieChat Forums > Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1981) Discussion > Can anybody identify this other scary TV...

Can anybody identify this other scary TV movie?

There was a very scary TV movie from the '80's that I can't recall the title to but I'd really like to find. From what I can remember, the story goes as follows:
There's a dark haired little girl who, maybe, is orphaned. In any case, she's seated in the back seat of a car with two other kids, a boy and a girl. The little boy ties the dark haired girl's shoelaces together. Suddenly, the car is in a major collision and everybody escapes except for this girl because of her shoelaces. The car goes up in flames and she dies. Later, we see the family in the car going on with their life..however, they are all eventually killed off by the ghost of this little girl. At the end, I remember her killing someone by dropping a radio in someone's bath. The part that haunted me for years is when this ghost would show up at the feet of the bed of the other little girl as she slept. Very scary and twisted. My memory of this film is somewhat vague, because I saw it so long ago...but if anybody recognizes these random details, please post!

Thanks :)




Yes I remember seeing this film as well.The shoelaces and such forth of the little girl.I believe the man who was in the bathtub was Dennis Weaver.The radio then dropped in the tub as well.I forgot who played the mother though.


I just remembered the mother was played by none other than Valerie Harper.


If anyone is still awake, I have just a bit of a movie. A dream sequence in a light plane, and I think a guy nearly falls out, or does. Maybe at the film's start. I just cannot connect it to anything or remember more.


by any chance you know what year the movie was made?

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill


You mean me Darkalessa? No, I just remember seeing it on TV probably early 90's, and the film seemed modern, so it may be 80's.

spiralheadcase I see you found your Black Angel (1979)


yes superman I was trying to see if the movie you saw if I seen it ?

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill


great nostalgic thread , i might as will give mine a go around;

-.Can anybody out there please tell me the name of an old black/white(if my memory serves me right)horror film, about a man with an alligator head(some kind of curse i believe),who lived in a train wagon, was always wearing a silk robe(ala hugh hefner)and played melancholic melodies in his piano longing for some ex-girlfriend.
i watched it when i was a little kid and i dont remember the title or the name of any of the actors. perhaps some horror film aficionado can help me out...i would be eternally grateful.

-.the second one is a horror tv series(ala night gallery), it must have from the 80's, it was british, the credits had a kind of gadget girating with some tarot cards showing(death, the devil, etc.), and the music was blood curling creepy...

ring any bells anybody...


It appears the first is The Alligator People (1959) B&W
The only film I've heard of about an alligator mutant - that's a man. I haven't seen it. Comments mention he plays the piano, but lives not in a wagon train, but a shack in a plantation, with a swamp surrounding. Check out the comments and see if it's it.

Yes, the second is definitely Tales of the Unexpected TV-Series (1979-1988), just as I expected.
aka Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected.

It ends with a 'Carousel' of Tarot Cards just like you said. Just saw the Youtube clip:
In case it's deleted, just type the title in search.

The distinctive music is by Ron Grainer, who did the Dr Who theme. The Omega Man is another of his uniquities I love.

"I sewer an alligator with my own eyes!" - An Alligator Man
"Alligators are people too." - An Alligator Man Two

Fun Fictional Facts:
An alligator is allegorical - it can't be literally true!
I don't know what the hell it means.

Never hate a alligator.


exactomondo superman1, right on both counts, thanks so much for the info lad.


Great thread!! Can't wait to see " Don't go to Sleep".


Oh wow. I had thought about "Don't go to sleep" every now and then, remembering a few scenes from it and always wondering what the name of that movies was. It's great to finally know it.

I have another mystery movie I'm trying to find out the title of. I remember seeing it on TV back in the 80's. I'm pretty sure it was a made-for-tv affair, but I might be wrong. Here's what I remember about it:

A commercial airplane carrying passengers disappears off radar for a short while, then reappears and lands as scheduled. However, as time goes by the family of the passengers notice something isn't quite right with their loved ones. Eventually it turns out that during the time the plane had disappeared the passengers were all replaced with alien imposters. They were cyborgs or androids or something, I think. I seem to remember their eyes glowing or something similarly eerie. This one scene that sticks out after all these years is when one of the aliens/cyborgs gets run over by a tractor/wheat harvester/some type of farm vehicle and it's remains are a sparking mass of wires and metal.

Ring a bell with anyone?


. I thought I'd know a movie like this. Could it have been a Twilight Zone episode or similar series?


Somebody please help us!


Sounds like Millennium (1989) except for the tractor part.


Nope, not it. I saw the movie I remember sometime closer to the mid-80's.


Yeh, Millennium was about time travel, and no androids.
Keep trying!


I asked what film it was on Yahoo Answers and got an answer straight away!
Annihilator [1986]

I have not seen it. But I recognised the cover art of the video.
Not on DVD. I could not find a VHS or DVD-R anywhere, even on that has had all rarities I've sought so far.


Great Ceasars ghost! That's it! And here I was starting to think I'd never find out the name of that movie again. Now the real task is to actually find a copy...

Thanks a bunch superman1!


Here is another friend saw a movie when he was a kid and only remembers the end of it. A man somehow gets his clothes caught to a giant sea turtle and it drags him into the ocean's depths to drown. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Could that be The Bermuda Depths? I have heard of that with a giant sea Turtle, with a young Connie Sellecca.


Thank-you so much, Superman1!!! That is the one!!


Any others? I'm here to humanity.


Well, it took me years to finally find Motel Hell was another movie from my childhood that I remembered bits and pieces from. But I am sure there will be others! :)


Wow, I think it is wonderful that after 3 years this thread is still going and people are still helping out each other with forgotten childhood movie titles. Good job guys!, and superman1, I will have to think of something for you to locate for me sometime, your good at this! :-)


I remember this as a child and do not know the name of it. It was a movie filmed in the 80's, I want to say 84/87ish and it deals with an underground lab that has I think 3 bald naked alien kids in captivity. In a distance some miles from this Lab, a woman seems to hear these weird whale type moans ( a distress call from these beings that only she seemed to hear) and is kinda going nutz from it. I remember a guy and that woman later rescuing the alien kids. Also, you were not able to touch thier skin cause you'd get shocked to death I believe. Any help would be your magic :-)


This looks like another job for ....Yahoo Answers!


Well, sillyheart1977, it took under 2 hours this time. My Superspeed - eER I mean Yahoo Answer's - is lagging. It is probably...

Wavelength {1983}
Starring Robert Carradine

I have never seen it! Not fair! But I do remember, again, seeing the video back then.
It's not on DVD. A couple of VHS on eBay. One DVD-R, at this time, on
or, with artwork or without ;added=true


YOUR GOOD! Thanks for the info buddy :-)


all right then superman1 - if you're still reading, I've got one for you:

I remember seeing it in the early 90's (between '92 to '94, at the latest) on either CBS or NBC. I'm pretty sure it was a three part movie about a giant squid attacking people. From what I remember, there is one scene where this old fisherman is sitting in the cabin of a fishing boat and he's looking at Playboy magazine, and then suddenly the squid attacks. Thanks in advance.

P.S. I could probably just as easily have looked this one up on Yahoo answers; but for the sake of keeping this post alive and sheer laziness I have decided to ask you.

"I'm still here agnoid!" - Angus (TBS Version)


sure it's not this?


Here's a tough one, hoping someone recognizes it. All I can really remember is that it's a 70's thriller that features a young girl in a white dress with long, straight blonde hair who never speaks (or rarely speaks, maybe was abused?) and she has a fixation on spiders, possibly black widows. I remember a scene with her in a parlor (funeral home? her own house?) glowering at some guy she didn't like. I think she uses the spiders to get revenge on people, like her father (stepfather) or some such. I remember this from Saturday afternoon TV and was always surprised how murky the print of the film was. There was still something about it that drew me in and I'd always sit through the whole thing, but damn if I can remember the name of it.

Any help?


wow just went to look up info for dark night and stumbled on this thread. glad to see its still active for the most part. sorry I cant help anyone but I do have one of my own that someone might help me with.

I remember it was on the disney channel back when in the late 80's to early 90's (back when they actually had decent programs) anyway It had to do with this kid who was a wiz with inventions and some "lake monster" that turned out to be a tractor or something. I always remember two scenes, one with the kid riding his bike on the railroad tracks with special wheel attachments so he could stay on the rail like a train and when he's diving into the lake to find out whatever it is he freaks out when he see's a face and it turns out to be this white mask or something, they had it on a few times when i was growing up.

another I cant remember much of but I believe it was on what would later become the WB had to do with a bunch of kids in a house, they played pranks on either the foster parents or something. only remember two parts from it. one where one of the pranks backfires and fries off the eyebrows of one of the girls and where one of the kids runs away and to find her (i believe it was a her) there was a song they had to sing that she would either sing back to them or something.

any help would be great, also tourist trap was mentioned in an earlier post, now THATS a creepy movie. funny story about that, i was watching it up in my room one day and the scene where one of the kids is getting piled on by the mannequins and there making really creepy moaning noises, my mother yelled at me cause she thought i was watching a porno until she saw what it was. figured you guys would find that funny.

Max: Cheer up. The world's about to end in ten minutes anyway.


Sorry, I've been away - looking for Krypton again.
Yes kamakazi_5033, I would agree with Rocha-2. The Beast (1996) (TV) is the only mini-series about a giant squid I know of. Based on the novel of Peter Benchley, who wrote JAWS. (Coincidentially, currently the 2-disc full length DVD is on its way to me.)
bps3013, The Yahoo Answers League is helping with your problem. {I know, takes half the fun out of it.}

doomsday_55, As I came to check for any new movie questions, and didn't realise what board I was on, when you said you came to look up info for Dark Night I thought at first you meant Batman . It's my superiority complex. And - sorry, don't do Disney, lol. I dunno the 2 movies you seek of... but perhaps... other citizens of this planet do.
Are you sure that wasn't a porno scene in Tourist Trap?


oh yea positive, unless your one of those people that pay thousands of dollars for those "realistic" girlfrends. thats ok any help from anyone would be fine, not sure if it was a disney movie or just a movie that was shown on the disney channel. just remember it being shown on the channel. the other one i dont have much more info for it. thanx anyway :)

Max: Cheer up. The world's about to end in ten minutes anyway.



doomsday_55, oh all right then - I do Disney.
Whoever said humanity would call on Superman to do the most menial tasks they can do themselves? Got nuthin' better to do.

Your first film is “Frog Dreaming / The Quest.”

On the board they were all looking for this magically popular film they couldn't remember the title of. Froggin' heaven, it's like they have finally been drawn to a union of their magical lifelong quest / dreaming {of which you are next}.

No DVD yet. On Amazons etc:
US VHS "The Quest."
UK VHS "The Go-Kids / Frog Dreaming."
Bound to be DVD-Rs of these.

Happy frogging.

Mmm, shall I wear my red underwearor blue for a change? [I apologize for these offensive smilies I swore I'd never use.]


ok thanx so much. next time i see lex ill kick em in the ass for yea :) but seriously your a life saver ( and not the round fruity candy either)

Max: Cheer up. The world's about to end in ten minutes anyway.


You go, kid. Don't thank me. We're all part of the same team - Yahoo Answers.


doomsday_55, about your movie with a bunch of kids in a house that played pranks: Yahoo Answers came through again. It's
i don't know sorry

So much for my idea to start charging for answers


Alright, I love '70's '80's horror films. I grew up on them. I have pretty much found all the old horror movies I saw as a kid, but still have a couple I cannot locate. Here's one that comes to mind, but this is gonna be vague. I hope someone can help. A family keeps their demented old grandmother in the attic. She has long gray hair, and an evil voice. I kinda remember that she murders a few people. Maybe the daughters boyfriend out in a field? It seems like she is also responsible for accidents that happen around the house, which is a farm (I think). I wish I could remember more. It had to be made before the '90's. It's not Burnt Offerings. I remember seeing it on TV on a weekend afternoon. Maybe on something like Commander USA. Please help! Another film I remember is one about giant crabs terrorizing a small town. It seems like that was an older movie (before the'70's). Any ideas?


Funny, just saw a film that might fit that description.
The Curse (1987)

However, it's the mother, and the basement, but it is on a farm.
Read board comments about what happens to her here:
"Than she gets violent and has to be locked in the basement."
"...she trys to kill her son and husband....she looks real gross with her slimey and blistered covered face, and hair that has turned grey.."

Haha, also maybe recently saw your giant crabs terrorizing a small town one. If it's not Attack of the Crap, er Crab Monsters (1957) then Island Claws (1980) has one giant crab with littlies attacking first


Thanks for your help. I'll have to check out Attack of the Crab Monsters and Island Claws. However, I don't think the first movie I'm looking for is The Curse. Sounds similar, but I've seen The Curse many times over the years and it's definitley not the movie I'm remembering. I kinda remember another scene where the father of the family tries to reason with the freaky old lady. I can't remember much more. I hope I can find it one day. I'm pretty sure it was a movie, not a TV show, and was made in the '70's or early '80's. Any other ideas?




Man, this is a great thread! I was all set to identify a few of them when I realized someone else already had. But this one is still unidentified, and I know it...

Speaking of older movies this one i remeber only small pieces of it. It was a tv movie and this woman moves into this huge house. It was protected by gates on the outside. The inside had a swimming pool that the top slid closed on. One person ends up dying in the swimming pool. I also remeber that the house would not let this lady leave; but i think at the end she was allowed to

Well, bmbowen, I'm responding to a three year old post here, but the movie you're referring to is THIS HOUSE POSSESSED, which also came out in '81:


Hehehe, I know, this is a great thread! :-) I am sure he will be happy to see an answer to his question if he has not found it yet, Thanks for helping out guy ;-).


Okay, so I saw this thriller/mystery type movie when I was a kid so Bare with me, as I have only one scene to offer and have tried to search for this movie for years..

Anyways, I think the film was made in the late 70's or early 80's judging by the way the film color looked and the way people were dressed. So from what i can remember, this takes place on a ranch somwhere in texas or arizona and there is this lady and her i want to say boyfriend or male friend inside this house ( alivingroom type area) arguing with an older lady and her tall odd looking daughter. Anyways, something happens and the Oddly tall daughter attacks the lady and her male friend defends her and throws the tall odd daughter out the window of the room. Well the camera pans on the daughter laying on the dirt with her shirt ripped open revealinga chest and that she is really a man. The man and the lady are shocked as the daughter-male-thingy gets up and starts at them agian.

That is as much detail as I can offer and remember, if someone knows the name of that film, by all means, spill the beans! :-)


@ sillyheart1977 - That sounds a bit like UNHINGED (, but I'm not certain that's it. HOMICIDAL also springs to mind, but that's from the '60s.


It could also be "The Legacy". A female character dies in the pool as described.


Yes, a lady does die in the pool in The Legacy and yes, Katherine Ross isn't allowed to leave the house either... but there are no gates (which play a pivotal part in This House Possessed) and, I don't wanna give much more of a spoiler, but the ending of The Legacy doesn't fit bmbowen's description. There's no question in my mind that it's This House Possessed, which really freaked me out when I was a kid (though it's laughably dated seeing it now from an adult's perspective).


Vinnie, Thanks buddy.. I am going to check out the flick, i think it might be the movie I am seeking,if not, at least I get to see a film that sounds like something I'd enjoy :-). I am very grateful for your help, I will keep you updated once I get a chance to find it and get my hands on it.


Sounds like THE TOUCH OF SATAN, which is the gang at MST3K riffed on at one point.


Why did I find this NOW!?

Well, if anybody ever sees this, what I'm looking for is this movie I walked in on my brother watching on Halloween afternoon in the early 80's. Im not sure if it was a TV movie or just an earlier theatrical movie on TV for HALLOWEEN.

It was about a girl whose EVIL TWIN COUSIN moves in with her family. It was in color and the twins had dark hair. I don't remember much else but i think the EVIL TWIN COUSIN was a witch. Anyone know? Im sure the two girls were teenagers and i think there were younger brothers in their family.

"The more real things get, the more like myths they become. " R.W. Fassbinder


I think the movie might be something someone listed previously, called MIDNIGHT OFFERINGS.

"The more real things get, the more like myths they become. " R.W. Fassbinder


I have been looking for a movie its from maybe the late eighties its about a young couple i think they were dating not married they go to a drive in theater and it turns out that the drive in theater was some kind of cult. it ends with the boyfriend escaping by jumping the car over the fence. to the post about the grandmother that was locked in the attic and started killing everyone that kinda sounds like the granny to me, but i am not sure


Dead End Drive-in (1986)


thx heather thats the one


Oh man, I totally know the movie you're talking about, but I can't remember the name or who it starred!

It was made-for-TV in the late 70s/early 80s, and the evil cousin was using witchcraft. She was also overtly sexy, coming across as older than she was, but she acted all sweet and innocent around adults when other people were around. She cast spells to steal the guy the good cousin liked, seduce her father, and do something bad to her mother, and just generally wrought havoc. And the whole time the good cousin kept trying to warn people and they wouldn't listen because they all thought evil cousin was so sweet and charming. I think the good cousin ultimately beat her at her own game, by casting a spell herself.

I remember that whoever played the evil cousin (and the girl who played the good cousin, too, though I don't believe it was the same girl in both roles) was someone who was somewhat popular at the time, possibly having started off as a teen model, but she's long since dropped off the radar.

This is going to make me nuts trying to remember now!


Greetings, Violet X and the other poster who were seeking the name of the 1978 Wes Craven TV movie "SUMMER OF FEAR". > NOTE: There may be another title for this film -- but the old THORN/EMI Video I have is under the "Summer of Fear" title.

Linda Blair stars and Lee Purcell plays the evil older (and seductive) cousin who dabbles in witchcraft. Also stars Jeremy Slate, Carol Lawrence and Macdonald Carey.

I think this tele-film has since been released on DVD.

Hope this helps.


I missed seeing your reply until just now, but the reason I came back was because I finally found the name of the movie and came back to post it. LOL

You're absolutely right, except the original U.S. TV title was "Stranger In Our House." Considering I hadn't seen it in nearly 20 years, I managed to remember a lot of the details remarkably well — except for the name.

I really miss the days when local stations aired movies like this all night long.


Yep, that was the creepy 'Don't Go To Sleep' - the part I remember most fondly is when the little girl stalks her mother with one very sharp pizza cutter. Ok, my turn: does anyone recall an old movie in which an invalid rich lady is being cared for by a pretty yet manipulative nurse in a remote mansion? The nurse, who seems to be on the devious side and may be plotting against her charge, is suddenly stabbed in the back. I remember her staggering into the old lady's room clutching to get the knife out from between her shoulderblades and collapsing into her terrified patient's lap. Then I remember the poor old lady fleeing into a dark cavernous tunnel under her house while being stalked by the very scary man who had murdered her nurse. Please help me with this one!

Also, I'm trying to remember a 70's style disaster movie that may have been made for TV in which a bunch of stylish folks attending a swanky party at a steep hill top house find themselves in the middle of a muddy landslide where said house tumbles right down the hill with everyone being tossed around and hanging onto each other for dear life. It was pretty ridiculous but it made an impression on me!


I know I'm joining this thread reeeeallly late, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to describe a couple TV movies I remember as a kid.

The first aired on a weekend afternoon in the late 80's but the movie itself was probably from the 70s(ish). All I remember is a staircase in a mansion and a guy with a look of terror on his face. Before the credits role at the end, the camera zooms on a gold statuette of a female and there is the creepy haunting sound of a woman's laughter. Only saw the last few minutes of the movie but it lingered with me when I walked up stairs that led to dark hallways.

The second TV movie was not scary, but rather a drama. If I had to guess I would say it originally aired in the fall of 1989, give or take a couple years. It concerned a young woman who gets some kind of illness (likely cancer?). I remember a scene where she is sitting in a chair, brushing her hair and notices that it is falling out. Then at the end she gives birth and (I think) dies. I remember her wearing a red bandanna, as she is now bald. And also the ending has the baby's father sitting with the baby in the hospital nursery.

If anyone knows the titles for either of these, or remembers them and can offer further details, I would appreciate it. Thanks!


If anyone is still reading this thread, I need help with this movie:

I've seen it around 15-16 years ago, so my memory of it is really bad, but I remember these things:

I think during WW2 some soldier drove a tank into the swamps and now locals of the nearby village(town?) believe his spirit haunts the place. I can't be sure, but it could be set somewhere in Brazil or South America. I just remember that there were Brazilian actors in this movie (altho, movie itself was in English). Locals of the village were kinda poor and two kids (brother and sister I think) steal some food or candy. Other kids shows up and call them out to play, but they refuse. The very next scene ghost of that soldier shows up and starts hitting the walls like a madman, then proceeds to kill brother and sister. Those killings were not shown on screen, only thing that was shows was kids outside being terrified and bro&sis inside screaming.

The movie also has several "interviews" with locals like documentary, but it's a movie, not a docu. (like Cannibal Holocaust)

Movie was probably made in mid or late '80 and that scene above is so carved in my mind. It's been more then 15 years since I've seen that movie, but I remember that scene to this day.

So far, no one has a clue which movie that could be, not even remotely. :(
