Best Film Line Ever
I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but IMDb doesn't have a search function, and this is the first time that I have commented on this movie.
Conan is cheesy, in a distinctly early 1980's fashion, but it is also one of the best movies in its genre... Ever. I miss good action movies that don't rely on 3D, CGI and other special effects junk to be entertaining.
However... The very best part of Conan, for me, was the "What is Best in Life?" scene.
In my opinion, that is the best set-up and line that I have seen or heard in any movie. The dude asks, "What is best in life?" and the other dude says something about "Wind in your hair, falcons, horses, blah blah blah."
The first dude says, "Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?"
Conan answers, "Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of the women."
I mean... Here are a bunch of barbarians discussing the philosophy of life, and the most barbaric and illiterate among them decides to wax poetic about it. Seriously... When is the last time that YOU used the word "Lamentation" in a sentence? That is truly some of the most brilliant script-writing that I have ever seen or heard.