I tell you...I will NEVER buy "The Fall Guy" on DVD until all of the songs and scenes that were cut are put back in the episodes~!
I am returning the complete season one set to the store that I purchased it from and I am going to continue to watch my film prints(96 episodes out of 110) of this fine, underrated series. When studios' employees begin REMOVING SONGS, SCENES and DIALOGUE from material that they are releasing via DVD, then it's time for me to bolt!
wow...you are an awesome fall guy nerd! Can you explain in more detail? I understand your basic point, but how can we remember missing scenes from a 25 year old TV show?
"This is how we say goodbye in Germany, Dr. Jones..."
"wow...you are an awesome fall guy nerd! Can you explain in more detail? I understand your basic point, but how can we remember missing scenes from a 25 year old TV show? "
Yeah I am a BIG FAN at that! I know about the differences since I have 96 of the 110 episodes uncut on mostly mint LPP 16mm film.
I'm not too bothered about the missing music, as it's been atleast 10 years since I've seen the show, shown on TV (apart from the recently showing in on FiveUS) so I don't know most of the music that's missing.
I guess that's why it's said ignorance is bliss, Roy. I DO know the series and this is a load of bull for some episodes like "The Japanese Connection" to be edited for content and for ALL of the season one episodes to be missing their songs. DO NOT SUPPORT THESE SETS. I refuse to buy any more of these on DVD unless the episodes are in original aired form. Thank GOD that I have 96 of the 110 episodes uncut and not fooled with on 16mm film
Well I doubt they'll ever release the show with the original songs intact, maybe they might with the original dialoge sometime, I dunno, there's not really a lot you can do about it, apart from not buying it, but I think most folks will who haven't seen the film in years.
I suppose they might repeat it with the missing material/songs etc on TV some time and you could get the ones you missing then, record them on dvd or something, I dunno.
That's what I was doing before the DVD set came out, unfortunately they just seem to keep repeating the same episodes over here, so there's no chance of getting all of them recorded, unless Bravo picks the show up again, but they haven't shown it since '99 I belive...
while I would like all original content... be happy to have it period, was going to pick up a boxed set last year around christmas, but decided I'ld wait until after the holidays to pick it up, and haven't seen it since...
I think it would be a great addition to any networks line up, it sucks that we can watch MASH or Friends on more than one network and different times of the day, its a shame we cant find The Fall Guy on any network.....
At least they are released, and quite a few dvd's have changed music due to Music Rights maybe you should take it up with them (The Music industry) and ask why they still want money to which the studios already paid them for 20 years ago.
I suppose this inferior version is good enough for the common layman and not the educated fan who knows better and is insulted by this garbage that the cheap distributors of this set released....censored, cut scenes and song replacement. No thanks.
Well I am very happy about this coming out on DVD because I have not seen this show since FX use to air it on TV. I see more of everything else and I do not understand that at all. There is a lot of classic shows that I have not seen in like forever and that even includes BJ And The Bear. That show I have not seen since it went off in the early 80's. That is why someone needs to create a better station that will show everything from comedies to one hour shows.
You mean that "crappy" PAL format that's higher definition than NTSC?
In total agreement about the cuts though. Songs are removed and usually replaced with crap generic music so they don't have to pay royalties. Can't they just leave the shows intact and charge a little bit more for the box sets?
"You mean that "crappy" PAL format that's higher definition than NTSC?"
Yes, that's ythe same crummy PAL format that I'm referring to. I've never had a beef with the visual quality of PAL, but I do have a HUGE ISSUE with the DISTORTED SPED-UP AUDIO of the Pal system, hence it's crap
Hey, filmsRreel! Thought you would like to know. Just got back from Best Buy and I couldnt bring myself to purchase "The Fall Guy". Your words just kept on echoing in my head. And at $49.99 the choice was easy. So I bought season 1 of "CHiPs" and season 4 of "The Rockford Files" instead. Now if I could find the Fall Guy for cheaper, maybe.
"Hey, filmsRreel! Thought you would like to know. Just got back from Best Buy and I couldnt bring myself to purchase "The Fall Guy". Your words just kept on echoing in my head. And at $49.99 the choice was easy. So I bought season 1 of "CHiPs" and season 4 of "The Rockford Files" instead. Now if I could find the Fall Guy for cheaper, maybe. "
I am torn since I am a fan of this show and I do want others to see the episodes, but damn it pisses me off how the classic songs and covers of songs were stripped from the episodes in the set and how Paul Williams was erased from the pilot. I don't know if I want the release to succeed or fail! The principle of what Fox did to the episodes stinks to high Heaven, but the episodes themselves look great BUT SOME ARE CUT(2 hour pilot, "The Japanese Connection" and who knows how many more...I've not checked them all out). It's very upsetting that these are not being released in their original form AND it's downright insulting!
1martin-17 I just thought that I would let you know that you can buy The Fall Guy DVD box set at Walmart for $19.99. That is where I purchased the first season. I just thought that I would let you know about that. Has anyone else noticed that Best Buy tends to be a little more expensive with the DVD box sets of television shows? I cannot believe that they want to charge an arm and a leg for some of these box sets!
I am not a rich person and when I can I buy a DVD box set when I can. I have the first 3 seasons of The Dukes Of Hazzard, the first season of Knight Rider, the first season of The A-TEAM, the first season of The Pretender, the first season of The Fall Guy, and the first and second season of Buck Rogers In The 25th Century.
I bought a lot of these from Walmart and possibly a few from Suncoast when it was open at the mall where I live at. Sometimes you have to do your shopping around to find the deals. I just thought that I would let everyone know that.
Yo, RobBase0861 (where's DJ E-Z Rock? )! PLEASE tell me that you did not bring up the EVIL EMPIRE known as "Wal-Mart"! There is a reason that their prices are cheaper. Don't get me started about their lack of health and wellfare for their employees. Or the many class action suits against them. Or about how many small communities who need the tax dollars of a major corporation, gave Wal-Mart tax breaks for 3-5 yrs and after that period ended, they closed their doors and moved out. But hey, If your happy I guess thats all that matters. Me, I prefer to shop at stores who support their employees.
"Yo, RobBase0861 (where's DJ E-Z Rock? )! PLEASE tell me that you did not bring up the EVIL EMPIRE known as "Wal-Mart"! There is a reason that their prices are cheaper. Don't get me started about their lack of health and wellfare for their employees. Or the many class action suits against them. Or about how many small communities who need the tax dollars of a major corporation, gave Wal-Mart tax breaks for 3-5 yrs and after that period ended, they closed their doors and moved out. But hey, If your happy I guess thats all that matters. Me, I prefer to shop at stores who support their employees. "
Screw that noise! I shop where the prices are REASONABLE and Wallmart has the BEST retail prices and selection ANYWHERE. People can better themselves by finding a BETTER JOB. In America, there are endless opportunities for financial advancement. I LOVE Wallmart!
"Yo, RobBase0861 (where's DJ E-Z Rock? )! PLEASE tell me that you did not bring up the EVIL EMPIRE known as "Wal-Mart"! There is a reason that their prices are cheaper. Don't get me started about their lack of health and wellfare for their employees. Or the many class action suits against them. Or about how many small communities who need the tax dollars of a major corporation, gave Wal-Mart tax breaks for 3-5 yrs and after that period ended, they closed their doors and moved out. But hey, If your happy I guess thats all that matters. Me, I prefer to shop at stores who support their employees. "
Screw that noise! I shop where the prices are REASONABLE and Wallmart has the BEST retail prices and selection ANYWHERE. People can better themselves by finding a BETTER JOB. In America, there are endless opportunities for financial advancement. I LOVE Wallmart!
Screw that noise? that noi$e is the same reason you're pissed at what they did to your beloved show. I thought you were a man of principle and objected to the corporate maneuvering that ruined the collection, but I guess I was wrong. The same douches that use Chinese slavery to keep walmart's prices cheap are the ones that chose the crappy way to restore this show. Not the same exact folks of course, but they're of the same breed. It's too bad you care more about a silly show from the 80s than you do about how walmart corporation is a major force in the destruction of the economy in the US. Of course I never thought that a guy who commits his life to 'the fall guy' had a high IQ to begin with. I'm a fan of the show, but there are more important things to consider.
It's something that has sadly hit a lot of DVD releases, music changed to aviod paying expensive copyright. Even when an in-house cover version is used, the original still has to get royalites. Nowadays, the majority of TV shows consider such DVD/royalty problems when they are made, but shows as old of 'The Fall Guy' are sadly hit quite hard.
It's affected DVD releases of 'The A-Team', 'Knight Rider', 'Happy Days' and particularly 'Quantum Leap', amongst many others.
Personally I still have original broadcasts to fall back on, but after forking out hard earned cash on 'complete seasons', finding that there are such changes is very annoying.
I haven't had time to sit down through every episode, so don't know what scenes are cut, but it does sound particularly harsh. Maybe they are going by syndicated versions, or are cutting eps to fit more onto the disks. Other releases (again, A-Team, Knight Rider, as well as Riptide), have had many opening trailers removed, but haven't yet experienced in-episode edits (other than changing music).
One thing to note though, is that while some releases of QL were changed on Region 1, the music remained intact on Region 2. I wonder if the R2 Fall Guy DVDs have original music intact. (I'm in the UK, R2, but get the R1 DVDs as they are released sooner, and in some cases have much more bonus features).
A friend of mine in Germany said that his set(region 2) also has the missing music and cuts(Paul Williams removed from the pilot entirely, censored words/cut scenes in "The Japanese Connection", etc.). Annoying certainly is the word for it!
Please tell us exactly what was cut from "The Japanese Connection". Strange that dialogue that was ok for 1981 would be objectionable. Also, why did they cut an entire ACTOR from the pilot?
If it's 'The Japanese Connection', I'd imagine it's slang word for Japanses people (such as 'nips' and other slang) removed. Things have changed quite a bit since '81, and the PC brigade has hit hard, so they've probably clamped down on it.
With Paul Williams being removed, the only reason I can think of it that they haven't cleared the rights to use him in the episode (some actors are more awkward like that). I wonder how the second season's 'How Do I Kill Thee? Let Me Count the Ways' will be affected? Maybe they'll skip the episode completely. No way can they try and sell it as 'The Complete Season' then!!
Has anyone purchased the UK R2 version of the first season of the Fall Guy? If so, can you confirm whether or not the cuts to footage in the pilot and song edits that were made in the US R1 version have been carried over?
Personally I still have original broadcasts to fall back on, but after forking out hard earned cash on 'complete seasons', finding that there are such changes is very annoying.
That's exactly how I feel. I just got it the other day at the Borders in Westfield Mall in Annapolis. I read some reviews after and no one said much about the music, but to find out after the fact that there was music replacement in it gives me a cold chill. I'm already starting to regret it. Oh, well, I guess those of us that have purchased it, myself included, will have no choice but to make the best of it. I bought it just for the fact that it was on when I was younger and I hadn't seen it in awhile. FOX should be condemned for removing and replacing the originals in this release. For "WKRP", a '70's sitcom, I could understand why they replaced the music, but for "The Fall Guy," an '80's action series, music replacement makes me regret purchasing it.
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I just had an epiphany-- although they may have covertly replaced music and edited some episodes, at least they gave us the Glen Larson and original TCF-TV logos as a consolation prize for our trouble. All those that bought this (myself included), based on this aspect, should look on the bright side and feel a whole lot better about it.
I've been thinking-- maybe it's just more the "outrageous price" part of me talking (FOX charging $60 for an early-'80's series? Why? Why not charge that for a, shall we say, current series?) instead of the "why did they replace music?" part. Matter-of-factly, I'm not sure if I've even seen the series, so why should I get worked up over music replacement? Those of you that have this and have not seen the series, I think that you should ask yourself the same thing.
I gew up watching this show(I'm 37 now) and I do notice the missing music. You're lucky to have your perspective, bmasters1 since you won't miss a thing. Thank GOD for my unaltered film prints(they are certainly worth more money now!)
What's this thing with the music? It's a fun series, has Lee Majors in it and does not look dated like many series. Ticks all the boxes for me.
Let's hope they release the next season soon.
Just what I was thinking, taurusheathen-1. So what if some music's replaced? Doesn't bother me as much as it did when I first found out. The stories are still as entertaining as ever. And, best of all, there is Glen Larson's logo and the original TCF logo from the period (no 20th Television, thank goodness!). I have surely mellowed to it.
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I agree that the music replacement is an absolute travesty, but even worse if the removal/censoring of footage relating to a particular actor. I was put off from buying this when I heard about the song replacement, but when I heard about the removal of footage I was amazed! I would rather the first season had not been releasd than in such a butchered form.
What is even worse they could have released the DVDs in uncut form in another region, such as the UK, which has entirely different laws relating to actor participation from overseas and a less expensive music licensing framework.
When music rights were negotiated for a series pre-2000, they included music rights for syndication, but not DVD. TV shows on commercially produced VHS were not a major market, so no one thought to include the rights for them. Post 2000, music rights for DVD were included in the original licensing for songs.
"Forget reality, give me a picture"-Remington Steele
I can sympathize. An even better example of that kind of BS is on the Greatest American Hero DVD set. As a long time fan who waited for its release, I opted instead to purchase the entire VHS collection after finding out they destroyed all the great songs that helped make GAH the greatest.
I can't say that I know exactly what was cut from Fall Guy because its been so long. I am satisfied with what I have seen on the DVD but if I had the VHS to compare it too I would probably throw the DVDs away.
These entertainment companies have no passion for the shows they produce. Its all about making money.
Actually the scenes that this whiner is talking about are the scenes at the Palamino club; Paul Williams is looking in a mirror and the song "Coward Of The County" is playing in the background.
He say's to himself "Courage Momma Says" and then goes out on stage to perform "Crazy" and he performs the song while Colt Seavers is in the back room with Country Joe and the three dudes.
He shoves them through the wall and a fight has broken out in the main room while Paul Williams is singing. Paul Williams says to a band member "Do You think they like me?"
The band member says "They wouldn't be fighting if they didn't like you"
Thats it. The whole scene lasted for about three minutes and was reworked for the DVD set with possibly cut footage.
One of two things happened a)The Patsy Cline estate wouldn't allow them the rights to use the song or b)Paul Williams felt that he didn't want his scenes included.
I personally own both versions and so it doesn't matter to me, but unless you saw the original in 1981 you are not going to notice the difference
I can't remember the fall guy ever being in syndication, but I am sure that it was at some point
The cuts are noticeable and the fact that the band are digitally obscured (blurred) makes things even worse. I could just about put up with the song replacement, travesty that it is, but I can't stand cut and digitally altered footage.
Let us hope that season two is a less of a disaster on DVD.
By the way, the second season can be ordered from Germany and I believe it features both English and German language tracks.
HawksRevenge, if you're reading this, you have 0% clue regarding what you're talking about.
Neither a or b is true. Fox did not want to pay the Patsy Cline estate and Paul Williams. Plain and simple. So stop acting like Fox is innocent of all charges on this one.
It seems to be happening a lot with T.V. series to DVD. The major issues seems to be that they can't get the rights to the music, OR they're too cheap to purchase the rights. I hope it's not the latter.
I very much like you, TC, I want the shows I grew up with and fell in love to remain AS IS! It's simply not the same show, and if people don't get that than they're willing to accept that it will happen again and again and again...until it's a show that they like and are pissed with not being given' the show they came to expect.
I know a few T.V. series ruined, like "Married with Children" the opening song has been completely removed. One series I loved, "The Wonder Years" Im too cared to even look with how many classic 60's and 70's songs in had in the series.
It's shame, if they aren't going to sell the original show, then mark it on the box "SOME SCENES AND MUSIC HAVE BEEN REMOVE FROM THE ORIGINAL BROADCAST."