MovieChat Forums > The Shining (1980) Discussion > Who watched this film as a kid and what ...

Who watched this film as a kid and what parts scared you the most?

I wathed The shining when I was 11 and the parts that really scarred me were the twins, the blood from the elevator, the 237 room scene, and the very ending.

How about you?


I wish I could say that I saw this as a kid. I can't Because this came out when I was in my mid 20's. I remember going with my husband to see it.
The part in the movie that always has given me the willies is when Danny turns the corner in the hallway and he sees the girls. They want to play with him forever and ever and ever....

The book was full of things that frightened me. The one thing I still carry from this book to this day is the woman in that tub. I was reading that part very late at night and I needed to go to the bathroom. I was alone in my apartment and I was afraid to go. I kept asking myself if I had left the shower curtain open.
To this day, I make sure that the curtain is always opened before I go to bed. I never want to go in there in the middle of the night and wonder if there is anything in the tub behind that curtain!


I saw it when I was 15. My friend's father snuck his son, myself and another friend of ours into the drive-in where it was playing on a double bill with The Exorcist. I was terrified of The Shining but not so much of The Exorcist.

The parts of The Shining that scared me the most were the woman in the tub and this music piece:

After seeing the movie, I went out and bought the soundtrack and I used to sit in my bed with the lights out and listen to this on my headphones. Talk about terrifying!
