I'm sick and tired of people putting this movie down since it wasn't 'Realistic.'

Get This Through your heads!!

The Book was written a good while BEFORE the ship was found. The movie was made in 1980 meaning there was still 5 years till they found the ship.

Yes it was wish full thinking but truely back then they knew no better.

Stop saying it's a bad movie JUST BECAUSE IT'S NOT FACT TIGHT.

I've not seen the movie BUT I am reading the book. As soon as I finish the book I'll be onto watching what I believe is a great movie for when it was made.


I haven't seen the movie, but I remember liking the book. The Dirk Pitt adventure series certainly isn't Shakespeare, but good fun.


You gotta love the effects ,no computer generated junk , and when i saw this in the movie theatre when it came out i said WOW it looks like it really was raised , a fantasy dream come true.



by Alphathewolf (Sat Feb 9 2008 17:27:49)
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I'm sick and tired of people putting this movie down since it wasn't 'Realistic.'

Get This Through your heads!!

The Book was written a good while BEFORE the ship was found. The movie was made in 1980 meaning there was still 5 years till they found the ship.

Yes it was wish full thinking but truely back then they knew no better.

Stop saying it's a bad movie JUST BECAUSE IT'S NOT FACT TIGHT.

I've not seen the movie BUT I am reading the book. As soon as I finish the book I'll be onto watching what I believe is a great movie for when it was made.

I think if the film had had modern SFX technology, CGI mixed with model shots and digital inserts, then people would have been more forgiving of it.

As it stands now it's a kind of sci-fi b-grade political thriller.


Then tell that jackass Cussler. He didn't like it ,either,but, then again, that guy IS a idiot !!!

"Every Troll Matters When Message Board
Domination Is Your Goal."


You take pictures of yourself dressed like THIS, and multi-millionnaire Cussler is the idiot? Ok.

Your name is of no importance and you live in the pipe in the upstairs water closet.


Well, it depends on how you look at it. First, that's really not me, it's my brother, Derek. Whether you think that's true or not is of no concern to me. Second, it's just a Sherlock Holmes hat on a Sherlock Holmes website. Third, if I really cared about how it looked, I would have not used my real name so people like yourself could ridicule me. So, again, obviously I don't care. Fourth,whether you like it or not, Cussler made a complete fool of himself with the SAHARA lawsuit. He embarrassed himself and he completely lost and by doing so, alienated himself from many fans and well as the possibility of a successful movie franchise which the Cussler "empire" will need very soon, especially when the old Clive shuffles off this mortal coil. He is really not a man who thinks to the future. Burning the Hollywood bridge was not a good choice and he did not honor his contract. And it was a choice made from a self-aggrandizing ego over an excellent adaptation from what can only be described from an overlong book loaded with a "kitchen sink" style of writing. To your remark that Cussler is a "multi-millionaire"does not mean he has accomplished anything worthwhile, especially since he has done nothing for the last few years but dilute his own legacy with a series of crappy novels written by others.

And, by the way, thanks for the link to the Sherlock Holmes site. Hopefully, we can get some new members.

"Be as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove"


Uhhh, what brought this on?


I have been fascinated with the Titanic for years and remember reading a few books on the subject back in the late 1970s.
There was some serious scientific speculation regarding the condition of the wreck. At the time, many came to the conclusion that the ship would be found as portrayed in this film for the following reasons:

1. It was believed the ship sank in one piece.
2. In the extreme depths where the wreck lay, the environment would be virtually sterile due to lack of sunlight, intense water pressure and a temperature barely above freezing.
3. This hypothetical environment would have had a deep-freeze effect on the ship. There would be no deterioration caused by organisms or the elements.
4. The Titanic and its contents should be found in a state of perfect preservation.

Robert Ballard's 1985 discovery quickly disproved all these theories.

Since this movie was based on a novel published in 1976, at the time the story seemed feasible. Had the real Titanic remained lost, the book and film would still hold up today.
