Question about the ending (spoiler)

I may be being a complete buffoon here, but what was the ending all about when the kid is running towards our heroes and there's a scream? I'm guessing I missed a plot point somewhere!


It's open to interpretation. Katriona Mac Coll once said in an interview that none of the cast really knew what it was suppose to mean. My guess is the boy is now evil because, if you recall, Katriona looks up just as they are about to descend into the crypt and says that its All Saints Day so they clearly failed to close the gates like they were suppose to. Also, if you look behind the child, the two cops are also running pretty fast towards her and Jerry.


Bonkers of a us scratching our heads too.


I was about to start a thread of this. It makes absolutely NO sense. The kid is running and looks happy and then you hear a scream from the lady but it doesn't show you what she is tripping out about. Maybe there is an army of zombies behind the cops? Fkn dumbass movie.

City of the Living Dead (1980) - 3 outta 10 stars

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apparently the director stated that the kid was supposed to be a zombie and the negative was damaged so he just made it ambiguous


apparently the director stated that the kid was supposed to be a zombie and the negative was damaged so he just made it ambiguous
Yeah, but the kid didn't have any makeup on or nothing. At least make him look like a zombie.

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This is mentioned in the Trivia section for the film (though we should all take those notes with a grain of salt).

I'm wondering if there are any articles or interviews where this is mentioned. Do we have any proof that this is why the ending is as it is?


Hm i thought maybe to the viewers the kid was normal and just running but to the people in the movie the kid was a zombie or something? I guess it was opened to interpretation lol


The IMDb trivia page for this film states that different accounts were given by the people who worked on this movie. And apparently the most acceptable explanation is that the negative for the original ending of the film was damaged, hence the poorly edited and abrupt final version that we see in the finished film.

They should not have even bothered inserting that scream and inverting the color before it all fades to black because it makes no sense. It's like it was so important that they couldn't have a happy ending so they just tacked on a sloppy edit of a scene that wasn't ever meant to be scary at all. Just felt rushed, unfinished, and tacky as a hell. Of course, it's still a great movie aside from the lazy final frame.


There’s a Fulci documentary on Prime or somewhere and they talked about the negatives possibly being accidentally destroyed and there not being enough time to reshoot anything.


Quote from Fulci in Troy Howarth’s book:

“It was the editors idea.”

“He got the idea of splitting up the frame.”
