MovieChat Forums > My Bodyguard (1980) Discussion > I loved the message, but even for its ti...

I loved the message, but even for its time it wasn't realistic

Kids in the 70s and early 80s were using weapons and ganging up on each other. There was no honor code where two individuals beefing each other "took it outside" to bring their differences to a conclusion. I really wish it was that way to be honest, so this movie delivers on that fantasy while doing a good job preaching that you have to take a stand, even if it means taking several hits to the head and body.


I guess it depends on where you grew up.

I grew up in a fairly large city in the northeast U.S. and went to a public high school (one of five public high schools plus several private and parochial schools) that was known to be somewhat tough.

I graduated in 1975, and while there were fights, there was never any weapons of any kind that I can recall. Anyone who brought a knife or chain to a fight was considered a bitch.


I must have grown up rather sheltered, or maybe I was just really naïve, but I don't remember hearing anything about any high school (1970s) fights or skirmishes. At that time, I lived in a suburb of a large metro area. The only issue I knew about was the smokers who hung out across the street from the school because one couldn't smoke on school grounds. Also, the most I ever heard about any "differences" was a student walkout over not being able to wear jeans to school. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ By the way, the walkout was successful.


Yes, the 'burbs are quieter. I moved to the suburbs before my kids were of school age because things in public schools are so much worse than when we were kids. And you're right about that - when I was in grammar school in the big city (1960s), the "tough" kids wore taps on their heels and chewed gum in class. My wife just retired as a teacher and kids today have no respect for authority and think nothing of telling the teachers to fuck off. When I was a kid, our principal used to rap out knuckles with a ruler if we were sent to the office. Today, parents would scream and file lawsuits. Result? Kids think they were right all along to not respect authority and treat their teachers and administrators with disrespect. Any wonder why people today give police such a tough time?


I grew up in Yonkers; fights were fists only.


Sounds perverse.


I was in school from 1959 to 1972 in six different cities all over southern and central California. There were always bullies, but I never saw any weapons. I got my ass kicked a couple of times and came out about even a few times. I'm happy to report that even though I wasn't much of a tough guy, at least I never ran away.
