Someone should have shot the principal!
I saw this movie and read the book when I was 14. Clifford went to the principal to tell him that he was being harassed and bullied by another student. The principal blew him off. He belittled him saying that things weren't as sheltered in public high school as they were at the private academy he previously attended. "Don't whine when someone looks at you cross-eyed". (or something like that). What a worthless and sorry excuse for an authority figure. That was unbelievable! Very unrealistic and outdated. Schools take bullying very seriously. There are conflict resolution and crisis intervention methods supported by counselors and administration. Students need to feel safe at school. We don't wait until there is a shooting or similar disaster. It has been said, 75% of teachers ignore bullying. In 1980, that number was 100%! Bullying affects everyone. The bully, the victim and the bystanders that want to help, but don't know how. We have come a long way but still have far to go.