MovieChat Forums > The Jazz Singer (1980) Discussion > Why does everyone always slag this movie...

Why does everyone always slag this movie off?

I can't understand all the negative comments about this film. I thought it was an excellent version, Neil Diamond's soundtrack is fantastic. Sure, it has it's bad points - Neil Diamond and Laurence Olivier - the complete antithesis of each other. Neil Diamond isn't a great actor but he's a great musician. Laurence Olivier is a great actor and he hams his part up shamelessly in this film, but nonetheless I thought it was a pleasant two hours to spend.

I don't think it's fair on the movie to judge it so harshly. If nothing else, the music is worth the price of the rental.

"Hail to the King, baby!"



I just watched this movie for the first time and I loved it.

When it came out in 1980 I was 7 years old and wouldn't have watched it if you payed me. My best friends mom was a Neil Diamond freak and the opportunity was there several times for me to watch it as they had it on beta/vhs/laserdisc(FREAK)

That being said, I feel like I cheated myself out of an awesome movie as a kid. As a future musician that has played in bands since 1991 this movie would have definitely inspired me to play harder, do more etc. Even though my eventual influences turned out to be the Grateful Dead,Beatles,Zepplin,The Who,Santana and others of the jam and rock genres, I still found myself toe tapping and singing along to these tunes in the movie that I have heard in the back of my mind since I was a kid. Thanks to Suzanne Porter(rest her soul) for some of the background music of my life.

And I am sure anyone who likes this movie (and Neil Diamond)knows about another gem called Saving Silverman.

If you haven't seen it check out Saving Silverman. Not only does Neil have a sizable cameo in it, but it is a very funny movie.


While I was at work, we were putting up new tvs, and this was on. I was hooked from the first moment it came on. I thought Neil did a great job!


I LOVE this movie!!!!

I love neil diamond!

There, I have admitted it......I love his music! Yeah, I stole it



I had heard this movie get trashed so many times over the years that I avoided it like the plague...but my huband is a big Diamond Head (we are going to see NEIL next month!!!) and so I decided that bad reviews or not I should finally rent this movie.

I remember my Father watching this on cable all the time when I was a kid (back when "having cable" meant you got ONE movie channel: WHT or HBO , hahaha)
I don't even think he really LIKED the movie but he so loved the songs that he would just watch it again and again to hear America, Hello Again and Love On The Rocks (my fave). So I "comforted"myself by telling myself that even if the movie sucked the soundtrack was gonna be good.

Half-way through the movie my husband turened to me and said "This is pretty good!" (I had told him when I put the DVD on that I had heard bad things and that this movie was bashed in the RAZZIES book) and by the end of the movie my husband asked me to buy him a copy! We were pleasantly surprised.

I said "The one qualm I had with it was NEIL was too old for the roll" and my husband cut me off....he said that he LIKED NEIL being a little older cuz it showed that Its Never too Late To Follow Your Dream. I guess he's right!

I am almost embaressed to admit I got a tear in my eye when the cantors made up! But - yeah - I admit it.

I would have loved for NEIL to end the movie with I Am I Said but I still got goosebumply when he sang America "live".

I would definately recommend this movie to any fan of NEIL's music and I could see myself watching it again some day: I thought it was good!

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I say-buy the soundtrack CD-which I've done years ago-and avoid this movie.

Yes I'm a big Diamond fan-I recently got the "Thank you Austrailla" Concert on DVD. Recorded in March of 1976, it is the best Neil diamond concert to finally come out on DVD.

But as far as the movie is concerned-it's bad. Even Screen ledgend Lawernece Olivior coulden't save the film.

Neil Has many talents-but acting is not one of them.

1+1=2****2+2=4****That is the truth your honor*****the truth for help me God



The music in The Jazz Singer is fantastic, but the film is cringe-worthy poor and, yes, even Olivier couldn't save it.



Olivier made the movie for the cash, not because he wanted to do it.

I grew up with Diamond's music. For the previous poster who commented on Manilow fans - you know, I know I might be unusual, but I love both Manilow's and Diamond's music. I'm probably one of the few on this forum that saw the film first in a theater rather than on any form of video (CED, Beta, VHS or DVD). That said...

I've enjoyed this film since I first saw it. When it came on television, we taped it, but I was always disappointed as they'd chop scenes out completely or at least snip them up. My copy started to fade, so I am finally getting the DVD after borrowing a library's copy.

Diamond - good job for a first try at acting. People say "acting's simple". No, it's not. (I loved the story on this website about how he finally got the "mad scene".)

Lucie Arnaz - sure looks like her dad, to me. Beautiful girl, decent actress, yes probably had her mom's reputation to try to live up to. (Does anyone remember the series that she was on with her mom AND Desi Jr? I do.)

Laurence Olivier - to be remembered.

Caitlyn Adams - well cast.

I plan to use my DVD in some of my classes when I'm introducing Jewish/Hebrew music and dances. The boy who sings Hine Ma Tov is one part I intend to use!

All in all -- a well done film.



I remember when Neil Diamond was doing PR for this movie on "Good Morning America' and David Hartman was still on the show. Neil stated that the hardest thing he had to do was act opposite Sir Lawrence Olivier. He seemed to do it okay though. At the end of the movie Olivier looks like he is enjoying the music for real. That look he exchanged with Lucie Arnaz looked genuine and not acting. I also saw the movie in the theatre when it came out. I also have it on VHS and DVD. The music score is one of my favorites.


This film is brilliant - take it for what it is and enjoy.

I am only 32 but I do love Neil Diamond - I saw him at Glastonbury in 2008 and it was one of the highlights of the festival


This movie came out while I was in college. My roommate saw the movie and immediately purchased the soundtrack. My gosh...he played that over and over and over...and he would mimic the moves Neil Diamond made while lip syncing along with the songs....I saw the movie...but I just didn't think it was all that great. It was wasn't a bomb..but hardly an A listed movie.

