Favo scene

This movie has a lot of action scenes and subplots. Which was your favourite?

My fave scene was the scene in the studio. I really liked the way how Dean escaped from the building. By the way: after Miller discovered the infected were in the studio he closed the door and said three of the crew members to leave. Anyone knows what actually happened to them?


The climx, filmed at yhe amusing-park of Madrid. All the movie is filmed in the area where i live, so funny!


My favorite scenes are where the people leave the elevator, there's a zombie with a flash light doing the lighting of the scene. Totally amazing.

The other is the monologue by the moustache guy. Damn funny.



My favorite scene was the airport scene. When the police surrounded the airplane and all of a sudden the zombies started rushing out attacking them with chains, hatchets and even a mallet of all things! lol. By far one of the best scenes in the movie. I didn't expect how good it was going to be when I first saw this movie back in 1998. It never gets old. I mean how many movies are there where you have an exploding TV!!!???

I remember seeing that scene and was like "oh, okay. He got out of that situation. Good for him." then after the movie, a few days later, I'm at school doing something and then it suddenly pops in my head: "did he throw a TV at them and it BLEW UP!?"

Corny as hell, but a classic in it's own right.


The scene that makes this film really seem like a great "zombie" classic is indeed the Hospital Scene! The two main characters being reunited, then trying to escape the invasion within the hospital as everyone is literally being slaughtered around them. This is actuelly the longest sequence of action in the entire film, the rest of the attack scenes are shorter, with the airport scene being second. Long live Nightmare City, an extremely underated zombie B Horror classic.

"He Was A Zombie!?"


An exploding TV! Yeah that was my favorite too. That is so ridiculous it's hillarious. It ahd me in stiches.

If you watch it, they'll make a sequel to ruin it.




My favorite scene is the Disco abomination that is being filmed at the TV station that takes a turn when the zombies attack the dancers.


The bit where the female assistan get clawed in the face by a zombie at the studio, but already has the blood on her face.

Guinea Pigs :-)


The abysmal Disco scene was funny enough but my favorite was when the reporter and his wife were trapped in the gas station.

First you have the Zombies acting like street thugs, looting their car and drinking what appears to be gator aid (must be a good blood substitute). But rather than sneak by the zombies while they are distracted, our Ace reporter decides it is safer and smarter to throw a lit Molotov cocktail at their car which happens to be also next to several gas pumps??? The explosion somehow only manages to do slightly less damage than the earlier mentioned exploding TV and our trapped duo get away.



He should have thrown another one of these 📺 instead.


Two words,
Exploading tv




Theres so much Boob stabbing LOL!
But the one in the cellar is the best



The scene with the exploding TV was pretty hysterical.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


When they are at the petrol station. The look on the zombies face when our mainman throws an axe at him and shuts the door.
