Your first time seeing this??

As a kid with my family we went over a friend of my parents house.
This movie was on in the background while my parents were talking. As I was watching it the friend had their CD sound system on and Blondie's "The Tide Is High" was playing. Crazy coincidence. I was more into the gore and nudity over the music.


Surprisingly I had not heard of this movie ( and I usually know a lot of movies from the 1980's ) . I saw the title on EPIX On-Demand a few days ago and decided to bookmark it in my library to watch for later on . I'm watching it today for the first time and it's really good so far . I also noticed legendary actor Doug McClure was in this one too so for me it was worth viewing even more . Of course I do like how this storyline was done in the form of the older 1950's & 60's monster flicks ( with a 1980's flair of course ) . It's definitely a real treasure for the fans of these retro type movies ( like me lol ) . Thanks movieperson113 for your subject post .


Back in the day.... Would guess around 1983 in an actual cinema.. (Denmark).. These movies took some time to get over to Europe back then he he.
Coming from a rather small town I remember sitting in the Cinema before the movie started trying to "act cool" in front of all the other kids that I knew to some extend.. When the movie had started one kid got up and left because he was scared.. He never heard the end of it... And there I sat... Almost *beep* my self because I too was terrified...


I saw this upon release at a Drive-In. I was into seeing every single horror flick from that time. This was a memorable one.
I also remember the 3D craze that swept through for awhile back then. Anyone remember Parasit 3D? Bad movie with a few really cool 3D scenes.


Just watched it tonight on Netflix great movie!


When I was a kid in the early 80's. I used to call it Hemorroids From The Deep. I honestly thought that was the real name.

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Watching it for the first time now as it's appeared on Netflix (UK). It's really quite fun.


I first saw it a handful of years ago.

It's one of those films that would be so enjoyable when you're young. I see some posters in this topic saw it at a very young age.

I imagine if I saw this when I was say 10 years old, it would have instantly became a favorite. A shame I discovered it so late.
