MovieChat Forums > Foxes (1980) Discussion > Good movie's ignored

Good movie's ignored

I cannot understand why when a movie as good as this one gets ignored. I cannot find this movie in any of the video stores here. What I think is that it is largely due to the movie studio's. If a movie don't make million's I guess they figure it's not worth promoting and thats really a shame to the one's who miss out on this gem of a film. What does everyone else think?


A few weeks or should i say months back if you had comcast it was in either Free Movies or else Encore...

Only a fool is constantly wanted, normal people have to work hard to be interesting


This is a movie that I almost never saw...I'm so happy I did. One day while at my grandma's house I was flicking through her comcast on demand movies and just clicked's one of my favorite movies now.


i almost overlooked it as well! glad i didn't, although the ending was soooo sad!


I just saw it today, it was on Encore. I was flipping channels and ended up staying with it. Funny coincidence too since over the past week I had just found out about The Runaways, but I didn't realize it was Currie till after I came here to IMDB to get more info on the flim. Anyway, nice film, I'm glad I came across it.


I just saw it for the first time recently on HBO and was very disappointed with it. Considering the subject matter I expected it to be highly entertaining but it bored me to death. There wasn't one likeable or interesting character. I don't know maybe I'd like it better if I had actually been a teen around the time it was made? I doubt it though, I think I just don't like Adrian Lyne movies.


This is a great movie if you were a teenager during that time, especially if you lived in the L.A./Hollywood area. It captures the feel and the limbo and the timelessness a lot of us felt back then. Really takes me back every time I view it.
A good friend of mine met Cherie Curie at about the time this movie was made. They were at the same party together and Cherie gave my friend a haircut.
But, if you didn't 'grow up' during this time, I can see where someone might not 'get' it. I totally identified with coming in after some partying and slapping on the headphones to listen to More Than A Feeling. And, Foxes is an apt title. The word 'fox' got a lot of play in those days.


It's a true shame,really.
I am emotionally attached with "Foxes" anyway because of 1981's circumstances.
I had to literally sneak my way into the theatre and even the cashier advised me: "I don't think you should see it.It's a meaningless nothing".
That was so far from the truth...
I'd frankly show this movie to cinema schools to illustate not only Adrian Lyne's incredible style(one of the most talented current directors)but also to point out how can someone make a film about adolescence and be equally hilarious and serious at the same time.It's an achievement!
Having watched it endless times throughout the years,I always mark these anthology scenes:
-First assault of Anie's father to his daughter
-Jeanie's sneak inside Annie's house
-Party rumbling
-Jeanie and her father at the backstage of Angel concert
-Jeanie and Brand roaming in L.A.
-The entire last 25 minutes part.
Try to discover it again,now that Lyne and Foster are movie stars.
But also Cherrie Currie is awesome..


I didn't get any of the adult roles in this film. They were not really defined for me.

Expecting Bundle Number 3 in April..


I think the reason Scott Baio was plastered on every billboard back in early 1980 was because he was larger than life back then. He had Happy Days still. He was always top billing in most of those after school specials he did back in the 80s. He was the Zac Efron of the late 70s-early 80s just to reply to a previous poster. But it wasn't really about Scott Baio at all. It was a Jodie Foster vehicle for her and that's all.


I love this movie so much! I stumbled upon it only 5 years ago but I was instantly hooked. It is now one of my top 10 all time favorites. The music, the friendship, the slang. I love it all.

~ Party at the Moon Tower.~


I'm a huge fan of Jodie Foster which is why I ended up watching Foxes and ended up liking it. It's not a great movie by any means but it's a very interesting one.

I think the main thing is that you have to commend the filmmakers for at least attempting to make a mature, realistic teen movie. These kids have ordinary problems like boys, booze, drugs and not getting along with their parents. Too many teenagers have these problems, then and now.

It also taps into the fact that after school is done, to move on and fully grow up you often have to let go of your youth and maybe some of the people you care about. In the movie Jeannie really cares about Annie and tries to help her but deep down she knows that they will drift apart and in the end she dies.

There are many flaws to the film though, I thought the photography was weird. Too many scenes looked too bright, I wonder why they thought this was a good look? A lot of the music is kind of cheesy although I don't mind that. I actually love the piano version of On The Radio, I wish they would release the soundtrack just for that alone.

The film has a pretty strong cast but you have to single out Jodie Foster for special praise. She does a great job holding it all together and looks and acts so much more mature than her tender years. Cherie Currie and Sally Kellerman also do good work.

I see the current rating is under 6 which is a little unfair. Check it out for yourselves you might be surprised.


I actually love the piano version of On The Radio, I wish they would release the soundtrack just for that alone.

It's great, isn't it? I had no idea until tonight that the track was so much longer than what we heard in the film.
