MovieChat Forums > Foxes (1980) Discussion > Good movie's ignored

Good movie's ignored

I cannot understand why when a movie as good as this one gets ignored. I cannot find this movie in any of the video stores here. What I think is that it is largely due to the movie studio's. If a movie don't make million's I guess they figure it's not worth promoting and thats really a shame to the one's who miss out on this gem of a film. What does everyone else think?




this is my alltime favorite movie..........reminds me of my teenaged friendships and the strong bond I had especially with one girl.....
this movie's a gem and the 4 girls rock


Kandice Stroh was SO freaking hot. Too bad she never really did anything after "Foxes."


I taped it off of HBO about 20 years ago. The tape finally faded so bad I had to toss it out. To bad it's not on DVD. It's such a well acted movie.


Foxes IS on DVD. Check - it's on there for cheap and w/o postage.


Also--try eBay. This movie is all over eBay.


Also in Walmart for a $1.00,...the best value for a buck i've ever gotten. Well except for that ~dose~ of 4-way-window-pane 'acid' I took at San Francisco's Winterland that had Montrose (with Sammy Hagar) Joe Walsh & Mott the Hoople,...that concert in 1974 cost $3.75 + Beer and LSD and Ghanja, and introduced me to 'melting' faces,...quite the show! Cherie Curie was so ~HOT~ in the Runaway's and Foxes and I felt a bit ripped off when on New Years 1978/79 The Runaway's opened for Rick Derringer & Headlined by Sammy Hagagr with a 'guest' appearence by Ronnie Montrose for the song Rock Candy. That was the Runaways final concert, and I fell heavily for Joan Jett who took over the helm of lead vocals and eventually, became a bigger star than Currie. Oh the 'good' ol' day's!!!

The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get!


Rick Derringer, Sammy Hagar, and The Runaways' final concert? Sounds awesome.

We'll see who's the filthiest person alive! We'll just see!


It was,...and is still imbedded in my mind. I had a great time.

The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get!


I remember there was alot of buzz about this film before it came out, but the actual disturbution was asbysmal. I live in N Cali and I remember it playing in San Francisco for a very limited time. Which is way I missed out on seeing back then, it was yanked and seemed to dissappear FOR YEARS. Then in the early 90's a local station had it on weekend afternoons and I finally got a chance to see it. Loved it! The late 70's/ very early 80's was a strange time to be a teen. The music rock disco and punk, the political climate...very odd. And this was before MTV and all those John Hughes movies that alot of kids tried to emulate. A strange time, a forgotten time. This film and the classic also underrated and unfairly passed up "Over The Edge"(1979) really bring that time back to anyone that lived through it.


Definitely an interesting time, I was in my late teens when it came out. I would have loved to see The Runaways in concert. But Joan Jett is always amazing solo anyway - she never ever coasts.

Anyway, yeah, Foxes is great. Over The Edge is a great one too. Lots of cool music (the hard rock, punk, and power-pop, even some disco, though too many people were divided into camps over the genres).

But it's obvious they didn't know how to market the movie. Scott Baio's face was placed rather too prominently in the ads and the actual soundtrack for the movie is cheesy.

Incidentally, I once had an op years later to meet w/Kandice Stroh (Deidre) but it fell through. My legs are bruised still from kicking myself.

I have met Cherie in the last few years and I cannot believe how gorgeous she is. She is the epitome of "Blonde Beauty" and has it all over so many other actresses currentlr running amuck.



oh man!!! i remember seeing those movies( Foxes,Over The Edge )around the time they came out... around the same time HBO FIRST came out ( maybe even a little before. around 1978) there was a movie srvice called StarCase and they always used to play those 2 movies alot... though i was too young ( 8 years old) to have actually experienced that 70's party scene, i had a cousin who was 15 or 16 , and i had seen things here and there, but these movies filled me in on the rest about 70's teen party culture,and just life in general at the
though teen movies were still decent up to the mid 80's, they started becoming more funny ( ferris bueller, real genius) or sappy ( pretty in pink, some kind of wonderful) they started to lose the " real" of gritty feel of their late 70's counterparts.. the teens started becoming richer and have less real life problems, going from a friends heavy drug use( 70's), to worrying about showing up to a party wearing the same outfit as another girl ( a la clueless)
i think one of the few movies in recent memory to capture that culture was " Lords of Dogtown" the whole movie i felt ass though it was made in the 70's... it would be great to see teen movies with a little grit again...


I guess this movie has been badly publicized.


Foxes is absolutely one of the great teen movies of all time. It's funny, sad and just riveting from start to finish. I have seen it many times and the final scene still gets to me. A great film. 11 on a scale of 10. And yea, I agree that Over the Edge is another underrated classic.

Ya never know what ya don't know, ya know?



I love this movie so much! I found it at Best Buy... I think. Couldn't believe I saw it and I had to buy it. It's true there is a lot of good movies that people just don't remember or care about bringing to video.



It is now available on Netflix.




I just watched Foxes completely for the first time and right after I returned from a long trip up highway I-5, where some of this movie was shot. Can you say deja-vu?
I think it's a good flick too. Matter of fact I like Foster more in her teen movies than now because her newer flicks tend to bore me (i.e. Contact, Zzzz).

EncoreLove is showing this movie periodically if you have that channel.



Hey Lunar have you seen Carny? Jody is really young in it, as a girl that runs off with Gary Busey and Robbie Robertson to go on the road with a carnival. It came out in the late 70's early 80's, and was quickly forgotten. It has great peformances and that gritty funky feel that is missing from films these days.
