Spoiler Alert Much?

The title basically gives away the general outcome of the movie. The good guys are left reeling after the empire does indeed strike back

At least in Return of the Jedi Luke (the titular Jedi) returns fairly early into the film. I don't mind a film OPENING being spoiled, but a film ending??? Ok, George Lucas

Imagine if Return of the Jedi were titled "The Force is Balanced" or if The Rise of Skywalker were titled "Audiences Walk Out Halfway"


Usually in the middle of a three act play, novel, movie, series, the heroes get their ass handed to them. It's the set up for the final act. It's basic writing 101.

Unfortunately, the final act (Return of the Jedi) was disappointing. At no point did I believe that the Rebellion wasn't going to win or did I believe that they were in trouble. The movie was (for the most part) pretty goofy.


Thanks a lot - I haven't seen this one yet and just thought it was about Palpatine giving Darth a slap on the back after all his good work... Literally no point in watching this now.




Fully agree with your assessment.

Even calling the films "Star Wars" is way too much information.




It was that or “Luke I am your father”.
