Did audiences think C3PO was killed?
When C3PO gets shot while exploring Cloud City, did audiences in theaters at release think C3PO died in that scene?
shareWhen C3PO gets shot while exploring Cloud City, did audiences in theaters at release think C3PO died in that scene?
sharei didn't
sharei did
shareEven at 5years old I understood that he was too major of a character to kill off like that.
shareDroids don’t die they get retooled.
shareNot died. Ceased functioning like a broken clock which can be fixed.
shareProbably not as he did have his legs torn off by the Sandpeople in the first movie. I admit it's been almost 30 years since I saw these movies for the first time so I don't know what I thought of it as a kid.
shareYes. Not all. But some.
shareNo, but I was always curious as to WHO it was that shot him. It wasn't those little pig workers and it sounded like another Droid
shareIt was a storm trooper. When Chewy first puts his head back on, C3PO says something about "what are storm troopers doing here?!" as he was experiencing his last moment.