I think what the OP may be saying is everyone crying tears and professing compassion and empathy for this unfortunate man, but otherwise treat their fellow man in real life with apathy and like crap. Weigh on that
What the OP has done has made a half good valid point. Where they have gone wrong, is blame the era in which it was made:
Alas, it was made in 1980 and its thematic elements resemble those of a time where people were afraid to closely examine the darker elements of life.
This is exactly the point of Lynch's film, to get people to examine the darker element of life and how better to do that than expose a hideously deformed man, from an era that could be considered hideously deformed itself. Attitudes and behaviors can be still no different today. It's like holding a mirror up to ones face and not liking what was staring back at you, just as John Merrick felt about his own appearance. However, his appearance was incongruous to the gentle, kind, intelligent and appreciative soul that was hiding underneath.
This was Lynch's first major feature film and while it echoed the visual style of ERASERHEAD, it was a film that was designed to be palatable to general audiences with a straight forward narrative this time. Mr. Eggbert didn't appear to understand Lynch's films or cinematic art and that is why he didn't connect with them. He was just an armchair critic like the rest of us are today on the internet, except he was getting paid for it and being influential in the process. His word is not gospel and he even backtracked on some of his opinions.
Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.