When Merrick tells Treves's wife, that he's never been treated good by a beautiful woman before and he starts crying.
Part where Merrick and Bancroft exchange Romeo and she tells him, he's Romeo.
When Merrick yells' I am not an animal! I'm not an animal! I am a man!" when that mob surrounds him in the train station.
When he says he wish his mother would be around to see to his lovely friends.
The parts where he gets mistreated by those who just want to scorn and ridicule him and hurt him, parts where Bytes hits him with cane, really made me feel sad for Merrick, that so many were wanting to hurt somebody who was so polite, kind, considerate inside, if you just looked deep.
I thought it was kinda funny , when that one guy said only Miss Motherheads could sack him from his job. And she walks behind him and clobbers him over the head, and just says 'Done'. I was like yes, he got what was coming to him.