Endean: This country's bought & paid for!
Shannon: (shoots Col. Bobi) You'll just hafta buy it again!
Is it my imagination or was the music score for Dogs similar to that for Taxi Driver? But instead of sounds of pending doom over the steam rising from the grates, it's similar sounds while cruising over the Verrazano Narrows Bridge.
I like the brief scene where he's on the phone, taking out life insurance policies, & asked to provide a beneficiary name for his own: Hey kid: what's your name? Apparently, he'd sorta adopted the kid he had carry his groceries earlier, 'cause he's in Shannon's apt., watching TV.
What a great movie! When you see he's returned the favor he owed Dr. Okoye by putting him in power, you know Shannon's nothing if not fair. An object lesson for our sloppy nation building in Iraq & Afghanistan: sometimes you gotta challenge your civ. masters, because you're in combat & they're not.