MovieChat Forums > The Dogs of War (1981) Discussion > Favorite Lines from the movie

Favorite Lines from the movie

WALKEN: "Is there something with 'D' that I didn't get?"

WALKEN: "In MY jungle you'd be just another a$$hole"

WALKEN: "When you grow up, you'll never be nothin' but a beggar"

(After Walken leaves the room) "Don't worry, he's expendable."

WALKEN (to the new President): "You're LATE!" (then shoots him)


I think we must have watched the same showing of this movie on TCM last night. I think the the third quote was more like:

WALKEN: "You can be a beggar when you grow up."

And My favorite, The last quote:

WALKEN: "Your Late"
The Company guy: (Sees Dr. Okoye sitting behind the desk)
"This is our country bought and paid for"
WALKEN (Shoots Col Bobo) "Buy it again."

Last night this movie moved up into my favorites.



Endean: This country's bought & paid for!
Shannon: (shoots Col. Bobi) You'll just hafta buy it again!

Is it my imagination or was the music score for Dogs similar to that for Taxi Driver? But instead of sounds of pending doom over the steam rising from the grates, it's similar sounds while cruising over the Verrazano Narrows Bridge.

I like the brief scene where he's on the phone, taking out life insurance policies, & asked to provide a beneficiary name for his own: Hey kid: what's your name? Apparently, he'd sorta adopted the kid he had carry his groceries earlier, 'cause he's in Shannon's apt., watching TV.

What a great movie! When you see he's returned the favor he owed Dr. Okoye by putting him in power, you know Shannon's nothing if not fair. An object lesson for our sloppy nation building in Iraq & Afghanistan: sometimes you gotta challenge your civ. masters, because you're in combat & they're not.


Here as well:


Ye Olde Sig Line:

It should be "I can NOT care less."
You are at the lowest level of caring.


WALKEN (Shoots Col Bobo) "Buy it again."

Did he say that? Lol. I didn't catch that line.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


And don't forget the line from the scene on the plane at the start of the movie - the pilot(?) thinks one of the mercs is dead but his pal puts a grenade in his hand and snarls:
"He's alive - YOU PIMP!"


Customs Officer: Airport tax!, Importation tax!
All the lines mentioned before are great. I just had to mention these from the airport scene because that scene was very well done.


Shannon:Which one do I kill to make room for mine?


Customs Officer: do you have a drinking problem mr brown ?


Hello everyone.
Not so much a favourite line but I love that whole scene in the hotel bar when the General (or whatever rank he is) is trying to catch out Christopher Walken's character regarding his cover story as a wildlife photographer.
The General's asking him the Latin names for all these different types of birds, to which Shannon knows the correct answer to all of them.
Then Shannon really loses patience with him & starts reeling off a list of birds with their respective Latin names before the General's even asked him.
It ends with Shannon saying something like "And your favourite, and mine & his (to the English reporter who's sitting next to him at the bar)...."
It's been a few years since I've seen this, so can't remember it word for word but it's a great scene & possibly one of the earlier instances of Christopher Walken really losing it on screen.
I went to see this film when it was out at the cinema with my Mum in the very early 80s. At the time, here in the U.K. it was a AA certificate film which meant you had to be 14 to see it (so my Mum took me, bless her, as I was 13 at the time I think). I remember just having read the book before the film came out. I think this was probably the first film I saw with Christopher Walken in (or maybe it was The Deer Hunter) & ever since I've been a huge fan of his.
It was so good to see him in True Romance & Pulp Fiction years later, delivering two classic monologues.


Shannon: "Drink!"
Officer: "...public drunkiness is a crime in Zangaro"


you are right on! I know by the messages on these threads how much everyone [that likes the film - does not apply to dissidents] digs Walken's character (and he plays it cool). For me the best developed character in the film is the customs officer. Probably the best illustration on film of this situation. The black fellow playing the customs officer is great.
Let's see a show of hands for the performance.

Favourite line: You're late!!!

- JKHolman


Can someone please quote the sales pitch on the "XM18" (aka Manville Gas Gun)? I only have a dubbed version . . . Thanks!


Shannon: DRINK!


Bobi: I am president.
Shannon: You're nobody. (shoots him).


"Mixed fruit pudding"


The most memorable one for me was:

"Kimba... Kick his ASS!!!"


My favourits is when the mercs go back to Zhangaro to overthrow the regime and Shannon is relaying the plan to all the soldiers. "Gotta be alive to get paid"

Classic stuff



Shannon, to Endean's spy, before he tortures him:

'Just so you know... you're dead'.

Always found that pretty chilling.


"You gotta get some new jokes"

"Your set up is getting tired, roll ze film"


Shannon to the guy who killed brown...

"Just so we understand each other...YOUR DEAD, fast or slow depends on your answers"

propaganda=on IMDB, apparently any movie with Americans as the good guys


No, it goes, "Just so we understand each other, you're dead! Give me straight answers and I'll keep it painless."

My other favorite, "If you're a minute late I give the whole thing back to Kimba."


Not much of a line, but a great scene.

Shannon is on the phone to an insurance company on the eve of the mission.

The voice on the other line asks: "who is the beneficiary on this policy?"

Shannon looks over at the young African American boy and asks:
"What's your name kid?"


In order:

SHANNON: "You can always be a beggar when you grow up."

SHANNON: "In my jungle, you'd be just another a$$hole."

SHANNON: "One for the scrapbook."
GABRIELLE: "Scrapbook?"
SHANNON: "It's what you kep your memories in."
GABRIELLE: "What's in yours?"
SHANNON: "Not too much."

BOBBI: "If anyone doesn't (fight) I'll mount his head to the palace gates."
SHANNON: "You and your brother got the same easy way of doing business."

SHANNON: "Forget your soldiers, I got my own."

SHANNON: (to Jessie, about her father) "By the time he gets around to dying, you won't have a dance left in you."
