MovieChat Forums > The Wanderers (1979) Discussion > Thing I learned from The Wanderers!

Thing I learned from The Wanderers!

Thought I'd start a thread like this on here.

1) The Baldies are all in good enough shape to chase 4 Wanderers around town.

2) The Wongs are all Kung Fu masters at the age of 18.

3) When getting attacked by Perry, just stand there and wait to get hit one by one, and don't even think about blocking or throwing a punch back. Well, I guess you don't have to if your the toughest gang in town

4) The Wanderers can all afford nicely made Wanderer Jackets.

5) It's ok to drink alcohol in a high school classroom.

6) Richie never does his homework


Duckey Boys can just appear from nowhere



7) Football games involving the wanderers always seem to be interrupted by a riot.

8) Perry's mother always wants "a little something"

9) You can't leave Richie alone with someone else's date.

10) Don't try to hustle house bowlers at the Galasso's bowling alley.


11) Catolic Irish fellas are maniacs

12) They have also learned how to teleport themselves

13) Abraham Lincoln once said: "All men are created equal"

14) Never ever let someone put on Italian opera music at a bowling alley.


That was "A Lincoln"....or was it A Cadillac?

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


15. Turkey collects gas caps

16. Chubby aint no hard guy

17. White boys are all obstreperous

18. Who wrote this

19. Glitta !

Who invited E.T. -?


20. Perry's dad musta been a pi$$ant.

21. Richie shoulda stuck to jerking off.

22. Richie is a $hitheel.


23. When it's time for a Coke, It's time for a Coke.
24. Joey is the elbowtittin' champeen of the Bronx
25. Policemen were apparently thin on the ground in the Bronx in 1963
26. Perry can sing
27. When Chubby Galasso says handicap, he doesn't mean a 30 to 50 pins head start
28. The Baldies should have left the kid alone
29. The bastids on the 5th floor are doing something secret with the elevator
30. The Greek has turned into a tub of lard

Hello I-I'm Harvey & I've come to give you jip


31) Don't be hangin' out in front of a Marine recruiting office while drinkin' your Tango in the hood.

32) When playing strip poker at a party with a couple of girls, don't have Joey as your cheating partner or you'll never get any.

33) Don't teach racial tolerance by having your class shout-out every racial slur known to man. It might cause a race riot in the classroom.

34) If you can't find Richie at your party? Then he's in the backseat of a car with his best friends girl.

35) If you're Italian? Then you have to get in with an Italian gang like The Wanderers.

36) Don't ask the Fordham Baldies to join your side in a rumble after calling them "A bunch of pricks with ears". Or is it ears without pricks? Otherwise, you might end up standing on a bridge in the Bronx Park with your 'thing' hangin' out.

37) If you're playing the Del Bombers in a football game? Then start Richie at quartah' back and Joey at halfback like it oughtah' be. Then maybe you might have a chance.

38) Ducky Boy gang members can be used for really good human clubs, if you don't already have one available when you suddenly find yourself in a rumble with Ducky Boys.






40) when trying to convince your virgin girlfriend to hve sex, and she tries to shut you up with yet another hand job, simply reason with her - "I CAN DO IT WIT' MY HAND!!!!".


41. You CAN f#%k with the baldies... But only once, they have a warning system in place

42. Clearasil hadn't reached Trenton *f%#€$#g* New Jersey in 1963

43. Buddy can't handle fruit based beverages.

44. Terror was quite fit for a clinically obese individual, he was only a minute or so behind Joey/Ritchie/Buddy & they played football.

45. Turkey actually DID his homework!

Hello I-I'm Harvey & I've come to give you jip


46) Turkey has stinking feet


Don't fuck with the Wongs

Use a condom when screwing the daughter of a mobster

The Baldies were woke

Peewee could do better
