Different titles.

I think the "ultimate" original English language print was entitled "Zombies 2", if I'm not mistaking. They retitled it as "ZOMBIE" for the US, and "ZOMBIE FLESH-EATERS" for the UK. Plus the original Italian version: "Zombi 2". Other than that- copious different titles depending on which country. Oh, and "Sanguelia" for the censored Japan vhs.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


But once again, Germany takes the cake for weird titling with "Woodoo-Schreckensinsel der Zombies" (Vodoo-Terror Island of the Zombies). For further confusion, the sequel was still titled "Zombie 3", disregarding that no movie has been previously released as "Zombie 2".


I blame Dario Argento for the mess between "Dawn Of The Dead" and "Zombie". I've always been of the opinion that this movie should have been properly titled as "Lucio Fulci's Zombie". And while I like DOTD, Fulci's zombie apocalypse is far more entertaining.


I agree on Fulci's spectacle being more entertaining, but I wouldn't blame Argento for the chaos. Sure, he might have started the confusion, but translating movie titles for their european release happened to be common practice by that time and part of the sales strategy.
It was actually Fulci (or his distributors, haven't really got insight on this one) who would enhance the confusion with the decision to mark this movie as a follow up to DOTD/Zombie and to continue the false numbering with the sequels. I guess we gotta deal with it somehow, my way is to refer to Zombie 2 simply as Zombie.


Yes, I have lots of German release of zombie titles, and they title them very outrageously. While my German releases of slasher titles usually use the word: "Angst"

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


You bet! My all time favourite german title has to be the translation of "City of the living dead" to "Ein Zombie hing am Glockenseil" (a zombie hung on the bell's rope). That hillarious title added a lot to the notoroty of this movie in conservative Germany.


I recently bought a FSK 18 Bluray of "City" under that title and it was so badly cut it was beyond even being funny. FSK 18! One of the most badly cut versions of "Paura" I've ever seen.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


Germany has a long history of censoring and banning movies, up to the point where some titles still aren't available uncut to date. If you collect german language versions, I'd recommend you to look for for austrian labels instead, like XT Video. They focus on previously censored movies, some of of which are still hard to get in germany and got some nice collector's editions.



Now that's what I call a collector! I also got some nice pieces from XT, their holocovers are awesome.


Hell yeah. XT 3d holocovers rock! I don't even care if there's no Eglish audio option.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


I was surprised to read recently just how strict Germany was/is on movie censorship.
