Somebody mentioned Bergman's Winter light and it is stunning as is most of Bergman/Nykvist films. My visual favourites from there are Hour of the Wolf, Persona, Cries and Whispers, Seventh's seal and Through the Glass, Darkly. But it is safe to say that Sven Nykvist is real wizard when it comes to BW cinematography (well, Cries and whispers and Tarkovsky's Sacrifice are in color).
But I don't think anyone mentioned one of the greatest ever: Michelangelo Antonioni. His films I'l Deserto Rosso, Blowup and Zabriskie Point are full of mesmerizing cinematorgrapy. Maybe they are little slow at places but anyone who appreciate Tarkovsky is able to enjoy Antonioni's wandering camera and characters. They are not on a same level as a whole but visually they are astonishing. And thought-provoking too. Also his earlier BW films L'Eclisse and L'avventura are beautiful. The others are probably great too, but I haven't seen more...yet.
Funnily, I was just adoring the graphic design of this years Cannes poster. It turned out to be still frame from L'avventura. These films truly are full of poster quality frames ;)
Oh, and Last Year at Marienbad is also very beautiful film. The cinematographer Sacha Vierny later joined forces with Peter Greenaway, and they have made great visual spectacles together (practically all of Greenaway's films).
And to those who love Apocalypse, Now should check out Dario Argento's first film Bird with the Crystal Plumage, cinematographer Vittorio Storaro made both of them. And it really shows how important great cinematographer is to film.
"zoom back camera"