Bette Midler should buy up EVERY copy of this DRECK and BURN IT! Judging by the POSITIVE posts I'm reading here, is this the SAME "Rose" I just saw on Fox Movie Channel uncut??!! The ONLY way I ended up watching this was to FAST FORWARD my DVR and stop...check if it got better..NOPE..FAST FORWARD AGAIN! The songs in this thing (sans the Title track) are HORRID! Midler's OVER singing/shouting made ME want to shoot HEROIN! WHERE'S MY NEEDLE...WHERE'S MY NEEEEEDLE...AHHHHHH!!! But seriously (?), if you want to see Ms. M, check out Beaches...or...Ruthless People...or...Driving Miss Daisy...or...the X Rated, Driving Miss Daisy CRAZY, no, she AIN'T in those last two, but ANYTHING is better than THIS!


What didn't you like about this film? Was it too hard to understand? Basically, you could see how the pressure got to her and how she developed a tunnel vision towards everything, which is something a person on drugs or alcohol does. Maybe your problem was you are so used to regular dreck where everything is laid out for you that it was harder for you to understand this sort of film.


Um.. Bette wasn't in Driving Miss Daisy..
And you're stupid shame.

And me, I was your hostess!


I can see where Hannah Montana fans wouldn't really like the music in this movie, but for us grown-ups who lived through the '60s it was awesome.


ty !!!
