Fav Ramones song(s)
They have many great songs, but my fav 2 are:
I Just Want to Have Something To Do and Here today,Gone Tommorrow
They have many great songs, but my fav 2 are:
I Just Want to Have Something To Do and Here today,Gone Tommorrow
I love the KKK Took My Baby Away and The Crusher.
sharethe whole entire end of the century album
but if i narrow songs down, my all time favorites are the return of jackie and judy, shes the one, bonzo goes to bitburg, chinese rock, rockaway beach, i just wanna have something to do and 53rd and 3rd.
Cover wise they do a good do you wanna dance?, baby I love you, needles and pins and an okay california sun. There surfin bird is dreadful. the cramps were the only band to ever semi pull that cover off. Maybe Pee Wee in back to the beach....ha
If you dont have the trashmens, i highly recommend gettin on that
All right everybody, drop your tacos or I'll blow your brains out
1.) All's quiet on the eastern front
2.) Carbona not glue
3.) Judy is a punk
4.) Blitzkrieg Bop
5.) Beat on the brat
6.) Glad to see you go
7.) Poison Heart
8.) Warthog
9.) Commando
10.) 53rd & 3rd
11.) You sound like you're sick
12.) We're a happy family
13.) I wanna be sedated
14.) Surfin' Bird
15.) I just wanna have something to do
16.) I remember you
17.) Do you remember rock n' roll radio.
18.) Rock n' roll high school
19.) Out Sider
20.) Can't seem to make you mine
And I could continue forever...
1)the kkk took my babay away
2)the entire first album
3)we want the airwaves
4)california sun
5)rock 'n' roll high school
6)sheena is a punk rocker
8)teenage lobotomy
9)rockaway beach
Man, so many great songs.
Rock and Roll Radio, Bonzo, Mama's boy, Something to do, Commando,....This is one of the greatest bands of all time.
We Want the Airwaves
Somebody Put Something in My Drink
Blitzkrieg Bop
Merry Christmas (I Don't Want to Fight Tonight)
Poison Heart
Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment
Teenage Lobotomy
Blitzkrieg Bop
Beat On The Brat
Chain Saw
I Don't Wanna Go Down To The Basement
Swallow My Pride
53rd & 3rd
I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
I Want You Around
Do You Remember Rock `n` Roll Radio
I Don`t Care
I Just Want To Have Something To Do
Psycho Therapy
Howling At the Moon
My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down
I Wanna Live
"Don't believe everything you hear on the radio." - Charles Foster Kane
Needles and Pins, the KKK Took My Baby Away, and I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
shareCalifornia Sun
Blitzkrieg Bop
Teenage Lobotomy
Do You Remember Rock n roll Radio?
Don't Bust My Chops
Bop Til You Drop
Garden of Serenity
Zero Zero UFO
Poison Heart
Pet Semetery
Needles and Pins
Rock & Roll Radio
Heidi is a Headcase
-All's Quiet on the Eastern Front
-53rd and 3rd
-We're a Happy Family
-Psycho Therapy
-Havana Affair
RIP Dee Dee, Joey, and Johnny-Ramones forever!