Favourite line...

When Woody is in the cab with Diane Keaton...

"Wow, you look so beautiful, I can hardly take my eyes off the meter"



My two favorites were in the same scene. I may not be quoting them exactly but "the Zelda Fitzgerald award for emotional maturity" and when Yale says "you act like God" and Issac responds "Well I have to model myself after somebody."

"Ich lüge" is German for "I'm lying".



Woody's reaction to Diane's verbal tirade about the art and then their walk on the street where she mispronounced van Gogh and mentions a multitude of writers that she hates but he says they are all great people. He tries to leave the conversation and her entirely and she defends herself saying she's from Philadelphia and believes in God, and he's like, I don't know what that even means.

I also liked when she noticed the neighbors noise above him in his new apartment when Tracy didn't even notice it the night before.

I agree on the "You're God's answer to Job" then explains that God created someone liked her and it would have ended the argument. Same scene too when he said he did the carriage ride five times around the Park on prom night in high school but mentions he didn't have a girl with him. (yeah right) lol

"you call your analyst Donny?"



My analyst warned me, but you were so beautiful I got another analyst.

I don't do too much talking these days


Zelds Fitzgerald Award for Emotional Maturity

also when Mary describes her dog as a penis substitute

"It's hard for me to watch American Idol because I have perfect pitch."
-Jenna, 30 Rock


I was just sitting around looking through the magazine section.

Uh, no, no, I didn't read the piece on China's faceless masses.

I was checking out the lingerie ads.

What kills me about this is that the 'lingerie ads' line is funny and that's the joke, but the fact that he underscores that the NYT Sunday magazine routinely has articles about things like "China's faceless masses" is off the charts hilarious.


A lot of hilarious lines in this movie.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


"No, physical force is always better with Nazis. 'Cause it's hard to satirize a guy with shiny boots."

TV: http://ihatemydvr.blogspot.com


Diane Keaton: "You're so self righteous. Like your God or something".
Woody Allen: "Well, i need to role model myself off of someone...."


Actually it was Yale who said that, not Mary.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Did she say Van Gakh?
