Life Of Brian 1979 Debate
The full debate from "Friday Night, Saturday Morning", 9th November 1979.
On the edition of 9 November 1979, hosted by Tim Rice, a discussion was held about the then-new film Monty Python's Life of Brian, which been banned by many local councils and caused protests throughout the world with accusations that it was blasphemous. To argue in favour of this accusation were broadcaster and noted Christian Malcolm Muggeridge and Mervyn Stockwood (the then Bishop of Southwark). In its defence were two members of the Monty Python team, John Cleese and Michael Palin.
Fascinating how this movie offended people back in 1979, thought it was great to see two Pythons defend it, then over the years, things progressed so much so that it became laughable that this was ever banned in the first place, yet now sadly in todays outraged climate of constant virtue signalling it’s easy to see a comedy like this get banned once again or never made at all.