MovieChat Forums > California Dreaming Discussion > Anybody ever seen this movie?

Anybody ever seen this movie?

People keep talking about the soundtrack. That's all well and good, but for someone who's never seen the movie (like me!), we wanna hear what you guys think of the movie, not the soundtrack!! this movie any good? I like Dennis Christopher, is his character, T.T., worthwhile?

Questions! Questions! So many questions!




I have this movie - taped it off of HBO or Showtime back around '84 or '85, and it has the original soundtrack. I just love this movie. It's portrayal of T.T. was so perfect. The movie portrays life at the beach first, as glamourous, but later, it portrays it as potentially shallow and something you can't do for life. At the end, when it is revealed that the old guy (forget his film name) actually did win all those medals, there is such melancholy that you can cut it with a knife. The main reason people went to see this was child-star Glynnis O'Connor's nude scenes, but this movie is so, SO much more than that. It really is a sensitive portrayal of people caught in this California lifestyle.


In the early 80's, this was on all the time on "SELC-TV", an early form of pay-per-view, sorta like "ON-TV". At least here in Southern California, anyway.
I grew up (and hittin' puberty) around 1980-81, and they played this movie… Like EVERYDAY. This film was (for obvious reasons) very near & dear to my heart. I found this film on quality bootleg DVD, and it's great! But I think the reason it's great is that it's a piece of my childhood, a more innocent time. If I JUST saw this film for the first time today, I would probably think it boring or lame. It's not "sexy" enough to be a "teen sex movie", it's not funny enough to be a comedy, it's not serious enough to be a "coming of age" movie.
It's all of these things... And none of these things.
It's a guilty pleasure.
That's all.
MY guilty pleasure.

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?


The original version is on Netflix streaming.

"I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP!" - Daniel Plainview - "There Will Be Blood"


Wow, I can't believe it's been almost 14 years! I completely forgot I posted that question.
I'm right now watching this movie for the first time (finally) on Hulu, but I think it might be the revised version. I never saw the original version, so I don't know the difference.
I'm so far liking T.T. Sure he's obnoxious and kinda weird...he reminds me of Eric Binford without the movie obsession (and the murderous streak).
But I like weird people.

Anyway, thanks for all the replies! I know I'm gonna love this movie :D.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


Saw in on HBO a bunch of times around 1980, then forgot all about it. Recently found it on Amazon again and re-watched. It was amazing how many scenes I remembered. It made an impression on me back then and it lasted! A few too many long surfing scenes got me a little bored, but overall a fun little movie.
