James Bond Villian

Is it just me or did anyone else get an old school "Bond Villian" vibe from Reinhardt? I mean hell, he even had a great henchmen like the classic Bond Villians. I think they could of easily replaced Max Zorin & Jaws in Moonraker with Reinhardt & Max without skipping a beat. It would have at least spared us seeing Jaws, a once menacing adversary, turned into comic relief.


You mean Hugo Drax? Max Zorin was from A View To a Kill. Not only that, but John Barry scored both The Black Hole and Moonraker, both of which have a few similarities.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?



Yeah, I think that Bondian feeling one gets watching The Black Hole comes from it sharing a similar aesthetic with Moonraker (released the same year), the Barry scores and the fact that Michael Lonsdale's Hugo Drax looks like a more well groomed version of Maximilian Schell's Hans Reinhardt.



Yeah. I had noticed that the bridge of the Cygnus looked as though it was designed for a Bond film.

So this is how liberty dies-with thunderous applause?


A very good point.

John Barry's score adds to the Bond vibe, too. Not to mention the idea to blow everything "evil" up in the end.


I've always loved the music in this movie. It's very spooky and outer space-ish. And now that I know that the musical genius known as John Barry composed the score, it's even better.

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!


i thought the exact same - you could put him straight into a BOND-Villain role
