MovieChat Forums > All Quiet on the Western Front (1979) Discussion > Should this movie be shown in school?

Should this movie be shown in school?

Some people feel that the movie should not be shown is school because of it's painful depiction of war. On the other hand some people feel that the film is powerful in content and should be shown is school. What do you guys/gals think? Please use details from the movie to support your opinion so I know your opinion is justified (picky i know but please)


Why does this sound like a homework assignment to me?


I watched it in school in yr 9, in History class. We mainly watched it because we were studying the book. Can't really remember specific details about it though. I think it should be shown, as it is based on events that really did happen (war isn't fictional at all) and young people of our time should be aware, and know more about, how tough life was in the war days.


I honestly don't see the reason why not, I mean especially in high school it is not gruesome on the level of a gore movie which can sometimes be rather disturbing if you have a weak constitution.

I believe sheltering kids from the harsh realities of the world only hurts them in the long run.


I saw it in high school, and have never forgotten it. I think it's not a bad idea for young people to see what real war is like. . . .


Uhh, there was a book. A pretty famous book. Actually a bit of a literary classic, often recommended to schoolchildren. Perhaps the kiddies should read that instead of watching a Hollywood film adaptation. EITHER ONE; there was another movie. A really, really famous movie from 1930. That said, this film was created for network television. In 1979. So it's probably O.K. thirty years on, from the standpoint of content.


We're watching it in school right now, sooo...

-"Morello, do you wish to see... a miracle?"



The movie is a pretty close adaptation of the book; the production values are good, and the story and its message are just as valid today as when this was originally aired. In fact, I remember watching this as a teenager myself, and to a certain extent in enhanced my interest in history.

I teach a 20th century highschool history course (open level) and I have been using a variety of movies to touch on a variety of issues. One of the things we have talked about is propaganda, and the necessity to demonize your enemy; this movie portrays the young Germans as what they were - ordinary young men who were put into extraordinary circumstances due to the machinations of politicians. Having visited a number of World War I cemeteries - Canadian / Commonwealth, French, Belgian, and the German cemetery at Langemarck, I feel incredibly sad that so many lost their lives - a tremendous waste of human potential, and for what.

I think this movie should be shown in school, and its message discussed by students so that their service and sacrifice will not be forgotten, and hopefully never repeated

Dave MacLeod

Be proud of who you are - be proud of what you do


It would be a Grade-10 level at least.


If high school or college, and the novel is required reading for English Literature, then the movie should be shown for discussion.

I saw plenty of movies (Romeo & Juliet, Taming of the Shrew, etc.) in college as part of the class.


I've used it in American History, World History and German classes. The students usually find it very engrossing.

"It's a hard country, kid."


I saw it in school. It isn't that bad content compared to some things I've seen. I ended up really liking it.


I teach history in college and I just showed it in one of my classes. It was weird to see 30, 18-19 year olds watching it. They were completely sucked into it. So of course it should be shown.
Besides it is a very accurate depiction og world war one and how gruesome it was.
