I don't have a copy of the movie and none found online for free to come up with more examples but when Ash says "We're still collating" (not long before Ripley finds out the directive to find and bring alien , crew expendable), the way he says it , instead of 'I'm still collating' or 'Mother is still collating', already suggests he's robot / computer, one and same as Mother in fundamental ways.
In addition :
Yet Alien is such a classic that it still leaves us with mystery - when we can see that Ash is synthetic juices (another sexual or at least biological theme in Alien surely -it looks like human ejaculate), he says "I admire its purity".
Technically, a machine can't have true feelings, true admiration, although it can be programmed to express feelings that it can't truly have. This expression, whilst false, might sometimes coincide with real electronic impulses within Ash , either responding to a fundamental design philosophy built within Ash eg 'No matter what external input is, actions must not be done by yourself or others if they harm value X in practice, regardless of what you express' (I assume that Ash is very complexly programmed) or responding to external stimuli eg 'If external input = A, express X'.
Ash's programming consistent with the robot equivalent of admiration must logically be fundamental design philosophy because there's no advantage in expressing it. The implication is that , by malfunctioning and having his head whacked off, this has destroyed some inhibitors in his expression of his fundamental design philosophy. It mustn't be forgotten that Ash is not truly capable of admiration, just in computing and acting as if 'he' does. So "You have my sympathies" also has all the cliched insincerity of a mass-delivered condolences card. Furthermore , sympathy is different from empathy. Ash, for all 'his' well elocuted accent, will never feel the biological and existentialist pain that they do. In cinematic terms he's now like a dying gangster spilling the beans about a Godfather. However , unlike a gangster , his expression of "I admire its purity" is delivered beyond a sense of brainwashing. It's as if Ash really is an aloof human, perhaps a nihilistic philosopher. We can never forgive Ash, then, for exhibiting human-like hubris and, in his final words, a human-like sense of insincerity. And isn't that a theme that Prometheus has ran with - most humans are inescapably alien from classic Platonic virtues themselves. Money, vanity, intellectual arrogance in curiousity for curiousity's sake at the expense of pawns in the game. The Queen nearly always takes pawn, no matter how many there are. Curiousity kills mostly everyone but the cat.