Hart to Hart Season 3

i know its only been a month or so since season 2 came out, but does anyone know when season 3 may be released. im really eager to have the the whole set.



Hey, can we get a copy of your DVDs?



Do u have the complete uncut episodes of Hart to Hart seasons 3, 4, & 5, or are they the edited versions from Hallmark or some syndicated channel?



I have those and quite a few episodes are edited.




Yeah, that's true and this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0011UO8ZQ/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_item is BS! They do that crap w/ A LOT of shows, Facts of Life, 227, The Jeffersons, etc.

by - jasondavis_123 on Thu Jul 31 2008 13:36:01 SONY is messing around with "Fantasy Island" and "The Nanny" as well in the exact same way ...



Actually, I believe on Canadian & English tv, they are showing "Hart to Hart" reruns uncut. So can anyone work something out to trade/sell if they have seasons 3-5 uncut on dvd from Canada or England? Thanks.


Will this ever be released or NOT? It says here on Amazon that it will but it is a lie!



Maybe a petition could make some difference? There's a lot of us out there, waiting... What annoys me most is uncertainty! If Sony has no intention of releasing the rest of the series, they should say so and stop fooling us.


I think I remember an online petition before about this from H2H fans and it did not work! I doubt Sony will ever come straight out & say "no". They will keep on teasing & fooling us. They do this w/ all their old shows.

by - gheberel on Thu Feb 12 2009 07:35:37 Maybe a petition could make some difference? There's a lot of us out there, waiting... What annoys me most is uncertainty! If Sony has no intention of releasing the rest of the series, they should say so and stop fooling us.
