
there needs to be a 200m movie remake of the pilot/TV show (the first series - not so much the BSG meets Star Trek 2nd series although there was some interesting episodes which could partly influence the movie remake or any sequels) like the series the emphasis would be on fun! (not so much dark moody stuff like Star Wars descended into)

Opening would be set the near future (like 1987 was in 79) so around 2027 or 2029

Buck - maybe Chris Pine (if he dosnt do another Star Trek)

Wilma - Jessica Alba, Alexandra Daddivo etc

Dr Huer - Clooney or Brosnan

Princess Ardala - Jolie or Theron

Kane - Benicio Del Toro or Antonio Banderas

Voice of Twiki - a Mel Blanc impersonator (maybe even use/adapt Mel Blancs voice from all the BR episodes/outtakes etc)

Gil Gerard & Erin Grey could cameo as Bucks parents


I like it.


Lets hope whoever owns the rights (Universal?) does too 😊


There should definitely be a remake one day, but not in this terrible social climate. They'd chop the show's balls off.


They'd chop Buck's balls off! 😐


How about Hugh Laurie for Huer?


Looks great. That means they will never do it that way.

Chris Pine as the star is great.
