MovieChat Forums > Superman (1978) Discussion > Where did Superman get his costume from?

Where did Superman get his costume from?

So it's Internet. Gotta keep it a secret that you're going to dress as a superhero. You can't sew. What do you do???

Was it ever the 32 or so movies he appears...where/when he got that ridiculous outfit?! (I mean,'re a man made of steel and you go with the baby-blue/red/yellow combination?!)

Anyway...I have questions...
* Who designed the Superman logo for him?! (Wouldn't the designer have known who Superman really was then?!)
* When he went to have the shirt portion made, did he provide the iron-able logo patch or did the shirt shop create it for him? Where did the patch come from?!?
* Did Clark Kent ever think to himself..."Why am I designing this suit so I wear my underwear on the outside?!"
* Does Superman really *really* need the cape? Is there any function to it or is it simply for looks?
* If the cape is just for looks, isn't it very superficial of Superman to do this?
* If Clark Kent is such a loner type of hero and doesn't want any attention or accolades...why does he dress in the loudest and most outlandish outfit possible?! Why not just wear all black and try to stay out of the limelight? (Seems weird that a guy who doesn't want to be noticed also dresses in such a colorful and welcoming outfit.)
* How did he get the cape, the boots, and the underwear (that's worn on the outside) to match the color red EXACTLY?! Where those items all from the same company perhaps? Who are their intended customers...drag queens? Those boots are FAAABBBBUUULOUS!
* Did he have to go buy the cape, the boots, the belt, and the outfit separately to throw off the cashier to his identity?! If not, that would be like someone buying mace, rope, and a ski mask at the same's gonna raise some suspicions!
* On a side note...Can you imagine wearing those all-red boots in a public setting?! I'd feel like such a clown, even if I was made of steel! Not sure I would have went with that fashion choice. Clark Kent is no Tommy Hilfiger, that's for sure!
*He wears this outfit nearly every day...does he ever wash it?! Does he have more than one set of the outfit or does he just keep wearing the same one over and over? Does the colors fade after many washes?
* If he never gets cold and can't get injured, why is the suit full-body?! Short sleeves and no cape, plus no red boots, would have been my choice for sure.


His dad on Krypton had the same 'S' logo on his costume and I assume they organised to have his costume made and put into the ship with him as a baby so when he grew up he could wear it. I think Supergirl (in the 1980s film) also had her costume with her in the ship when she came to Earth.


How did they know how tall he'd grow to be and how large his boot size would be?!

And, really, what's the point? Why would one need a colorful costume on to fight crime? Also...What's with the cape? Would you wear a cape nearly daily under any circumstance?!




Perhaps it was made of some stretchy latex-like alien protective material that can adapt to different dimensions, within a range.


The origin of the costume has been explained a few ways over the years




Based on that article in the movie, I surmise in the movie that Superman CREATED this indestructible costume, and the logo is his family crest.


Yeah, it's ridiculous, but it's fantasy. You just have to suspend your disbelief and enjoy the ride. If I were a super vigilante I'd probably just wear my regular clothes, or if I needed something special for flying around, it would just be dull gray, with sensible shoes for running and dodging around. Certainly no cape. My biggest question is regarding the glasses. When I was a kid my dad wore black-rimmed glasses just like Clark Kent, but when he took them off I still always recognized him easily.


Hahaha ...
I did read a few Superman comics when I was a kid.
I preferred T.H.U.N.D.E.R and Archie comics.
But from what I remember, at least one explanation anyway,
is that since Superman was invulnerable, so were his clothes,
so he, or someone, took his infant clothes and bedclothes,
and blankets and sewed them into a super suit.


you're kind of an ass, huh.


Lol, yeah pretty much!
