Truth, justice & "the American way"? So racism, sexism, exploitation, wars of conquest & slavery?
Those are the words he lives by, and he's supposed to be a hero?
shareThose are the words he lives by, and he's supposed to be a hero?
shareYes, and there's nothing wrong with what he meant by "the American way." He meant freedom, rights embodied in the U.S. constitution, the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, meritocracy, opportunity, equality, etc. The indictments you make are all from the U.S. failing to live up to its ideals, not from any fault in the ideals themselves. Reformers from Frederick Douglass to MLK Jr. have sought -- quite wisely -- not to condemn and destroy the U.S., but to urge it to live up to those noble ideals.
People used to be proud of their country, because they were taught to love what was good about it, while working to change the things that were bad. There is nothing wrong with this either. What's wrong is to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
I am so damn sick and tired of ignorant leftist assholes, who condemn the U.S. for failing to live up to a utopian ideal that no country, no civilization, no people have ever lived up to, at any time in history (but who never judge other countries by this standard); who never read a history book that didn't come from the likes of Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky; who are quick to condemn any of America's failings, but never ever give it any credit for the many great things it has done; and who insist on regarding as uniquely American, crimes and moral failings and bad institutions that are not only universal in human history (e.g. slavery), but on which most countries have far, far worse records than ours.
If it sucks so much here, why are so many people from all over the world trying so hard to get in? Show me the man who ever thought to himself "I need to get myself and my family into a racist, oppressive, exploitative hellscape country, where I will always be a ground under by an unjust, white supremacist elite, who will always keep me down. And I need to get there so badly I am willing to risk my life to do it!"
The cast of Superman Legacy is diverse Isabela Merced, Ed Gathgei , Sara Sampio Gunn did right by it also Superman is Jewish for the first time